Successful Diets And What They Have In Common

Following ruthless diets can be one of the leading causes of premature death and chronic illness. On the contrary, successful diets are associated with an increased life expectancy.
Successful diets and what they have in common

Today, the weight loss industry is worth billions. Losing weight seems to be the dream goal of millions of people. Although adherents of every diet defend and assure you that their plan is the best, the reality is that when it comes to healthy and successful diets, they have many things in common.

It is important to separate the chaff from the wheat when it comes to diets, as well as to separate what works from what does not. If you analyze all types of effective and scientifically proven diets and see what they have in common, you will discover the true keys to staying lean.

This has successful diets in common

According to a study from Yale University, successful diets are based on natural foods and few processed products. Below we share the things that these diets have in common so you can understand it better.

1. Can be followed in the long run

A good diet must be part of your lifestyle, which is why healthy diets are easy to follow in the long run. Experts actually say that they should become a lifelong habit.

Following ruthless diets can be one of the leading causes of premature death and chronic illness. On the contrary, successful diets are associated with an increased life expectancy according to Yale University.

Healthy woman eats fruit

Unlike “miracle diets”, successful diets have long-term goals and can be introduced as a lifestyle.

2. Successful diets eliminate sugar

This may sound like people who believe in “low carb diets”. However, limiting and even eliminating white sugar has become a point that most people agree on. Even the World Health Organization recommends it.

Today we know that sugar causes the liver to make body fat and increase poor cholesterol and triglyceride levels. All in all, sugar intake interferes with both physical and mental well-being.

3. Includes vegetables

Even low-carb diets, such as the paleo diet, emphasize the importance of eating plenty of vegetables (broccoli, artichokes, green beans, cabbage, spinach and peppers, among others).

Although some diets that work may limit fruit (although everyone accepts some fruits with low glycemic content such as green apples or berries), they also advocate eating vegetables.

4. Promotes moderate weight loss

Diets such as protein-rich diets or the perricone diet, which are ranked among the best diets for weight loss by the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), promote healthy weight loss because their goal is for people to lose a few extra pounds and improve their health.

Woman is happy because she has lost weight

Diets that help you lose weight gradually are more successful because they help you maintain results. They also do not cause any side effects.

5. Successful diets focus on quality

The reason for this is because it is not just the amount of food you eat that matters, but that the things you eat are of high quality. This does not mean that everything has to be organic and fresh since there are products like wholemeal pasta that are healthy.

6. Eliminates trans fats and limit the intake of vegetable fats

Medical professionals agreed on trans fats (labeled “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated fats”) long ago: they are the worst fats for diets. In California, it is even forbidden to use these in restaurants.

Trans fats are artificial fats (produced from vegetable oils industrially) that can lead to inflammation, cardiovascular disease and many other health problems.

Industrial vegetable fats (made from sunflowers, soybeans and corn) are somewhat limited in all successful diets. This type of fat is associated with oxidation, inflammation and vascular problems. Instead , all successful diets recommend extra virgin olive oil.

7. They are filling

You do not have to starve to death to lose weight or fight diabetes. Healthy eating plans include the right amounts of food, calories and nutrients to ensure that you are always happy and that your body has the energy it needs.

Now that you know what successful diets have in common, we recommend that you follow the one that is best for your needs. You should consult a professional if you are in doubt or have any questions. Your doctor or nutritionist can help you choose a diet according to your current state of health, age and habits, among other factors.

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