4 Remedies With Baking Soda And Lemon

Baking soda and lemon can be used as supplements to regulate a number of bodily functions. However, it is not a cure that can cure everything. Some conditions must be treated by a doctor.
4 remedies with baking soda and lemon

This is one of the world’s most famous remedies of all time. Drinking a glass of some baking soda and lemon will alkalize your body. It also brings some great health benefits, which we will go into more detail in this article.

The health benefits of baking soda and lemon

Baking soda and lemon

There are some conflicting opinions about this remedy. Problems arise when one thinks that this can treat everything possible. We must remember that it is a simple drink, to which we should not attribute miraculous properties or expect it to cure serious problems. We must take it for what it is. Soda and lemon are a supplement that can help us regulate normal body functions. It can give us better health and promote weight loss, fight inflammation and cleanse the body.

However, it cannot cure cancer. Are there any benefits to drinking baking soda and lemon? Absolutely. Just remember to take the supplement as recommended and in moderation.

With this in mind, we can take a look at some of the health benefits baking soda and lemon offer us:

Healthy kidneys

Maybe you are one of the unfortunates having problems with the kidneys or urinary tract. Maybe you have kidney stones or have discovered that your kidneys are not working properly. All this contributes to poorer health, but there is a simple remedy that you can take after each meal: One glass of water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice. This will improve your body’s pH values ​​and your kidneys will function better. It will be easier for them to cleanse the blood and leave less waste in the bladder, which leads to fewer infections. This remedy will simply help you get your body in better balance so that you feel better. When the kidneys do not function properly, there is too much acid in the body and this drink will neutralize this acid. Essentially, it’s simply good for you.

2. Better digestion

Our grandmothers could say that nothing is as good for digestion as a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. If we add a few drops of lemon juice, it will be even easier to digest the food. This helps fight the acid that can damage the stomach, prevent flatulence and acid regurgitation.

If you are wondering if your body is struggling with too high an acid level and need the baking soda, you can take a look at your digestion. If it is heavy and followed by swelling, or if you spend a lot of time on the toilet because you are struggling with constipation, there is no reason to hesitate. Start with this remedy so that you get your intestines cleansed of toxins and leftover food that is fermenting.

3. For a healthy liver

This alkaline drink can work wonders for the liver. It helps the liver to cleanse the body in a more efficient way. Remember that the liver is the body’s laboratory, this is where the blood is purified, the body is detoxified and it synthesizes vitamins and enzymes. Put 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water and take this daily on an empty stomach. The lemon contains vitamin C and is a great way to keep the liver in top shape.

4. Lose weight

Are you looking for something that, along with your diet, can help you lose weight? Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water and drink this on an empty stomach daily. This drink will cleanse the body and help it get rid of waste products that cause inflammation, indigestion and swelling. It gets the body in the right pH balance and contributes to the burning of fat.

How do I take baking soda and lemon?

Drink water

The most common procedure is to take baking soda and lemon on an empty stomach every morning. The water should be lukewarm, not hot and not cold. 1 tablespoon of baking soda is dissolved in water along with the juice of half a lemon, or a little less. This drink is ideal for cleansing the body, losing weight and ensuring a healthy liver. If you take this drink because of your kidneys, take half a glass after each of the day’s two main meals.

However, you should not drink this if you experience stress related to the sodium content. You should also limit your use if you suffer from gastritis, as you may experience discomfort. Remember that this is a good remedy that promotes well-being, but is not a cure that can cure everything.

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