How To Make Mint Oil At Home

Do not forget to cover the pot when juicing the peppermint to retain as much of the ingredients as possible, and not lose its natural essence.  
How to make mint oil at home

Do you know all the good properties of mint oil? It is absolutely amazing because it contributes so much both to our appearance and to keeping the body healthy and well. Headaches, swelling… It is an ancient natural ingredient that is incredibly healthy and definitely worth having at home, and it is easy to make mint oil at home.

Here is the recipe for making mint oil, a great and very useful health remedy. You will probably need this more often than you think!

What can mint oil be used for?

low mint oil

1. Mint oil as a beauty product

  • Mint oil  is perfect for controlling acne breakouts and impure skin. You can moisten a cotton pad and apply on the skin to make it soft and fresh, especially if you have scars from pimples.
  • It’s super toned. It is also perfect for areas on the body with cellulite. Massage it in with circular motions.
  • Also try massaging tired legs with the oil, or to treat varicose veins.
  • It reduces edema (accumulation of fluid)
  • It can help fight dandruff. Massage some oil into damp hair, wait a few minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water and then wash your hair in the usual way.
  • Mint oil is also great as a deodorant.
  • It protects against lice, which is great for kids. Very effective!

2. The health benefits of mint oil

  • Mint oil can be used to get rid of headaches. Add some of the oil on a cold wrap to get rid of tension headaches.
  • You can also use the oil for migraines if you are struggling with this.
  • It reduces swelling.
  • Mint oil can be a super painkiller if you have injured yourself.
  • You can use it to treat small burns.
  • It reduces fever and stimulates sweating.
  • One of the main properties of the oil is that it is perfect for calming down muscle pain, including rheumatic diseases.
  • Do you have pain in your feet after a long day? Are they swollen and tired? Then one of the best things you can do is make yourself a proper foot bath with warm water with 10 drops of mint oil.
  • Mint oil is a simple cure for every respiratory problem (bronchitis, hoarseness, flu, cold…). You can inhale steam with added mint oil or simply massage your chest with the oil.
  • It is an effective cure for insect bites.
  • It also relieves menstrual cramps. You can either massage your stomach with it or put on a wet cloth with a little added mint oil.
  • It is a refreshing cure for sunburn.
  • Another benefit is that it stimulates the nervous system and counteracts mental exhaustion. Perfect!
  • It increases the energy level, if you use it as a fragrance oil in the bedroom, for example.

How to make mint oil at home?

How to make mint oil


  • 350 g fresh mint (peppermint).
  • 200 ml or base oil. You can choose either almond oil or olive oil.
  • A dark glass container that holds 250 ml


  1. The first thing you need to do when making mint oil is to get peppermint (be aware that this is not ordinary green mint). You can use home-grown peppermint or buy at the grocery store. As soon as you have a good amount of mint, you should start by washing it thoroughly with cold water, one leaf at a time, to get rid of any impurities. Remember that this oil should be applied directly to the skin, so it must be completely clean.
  2. Next step: crushing the mint leaves. Use a wooden club or spoon. Take proper care, because the goal here is to break up the leaves and get the juice inside. This process will give a super good smell.
  3. Find a pot and fill it with 200 ml of oil (almond oil or olive oil as previously mentioned). Place it on the plate over low temperature. Then add the crushed mint leaves, stir and let the mix juice over low heat. Do not forget to cover the pot when juicing the peppermint to retain as much of the ingredients as possible, and not lose its natural essence. Let this process continue on its own for half an hour, all the time over very low heat.
  4. When half an hour has passed, it is time to turn off the plate and let the mix rest. Then it should be transferred to the dark glass container you have found. Use a strainer when pouring over the mint oil, so that none of the leaves join.
  5. Place the container in a cool place without sunlight.
  6. And so? Patience. You will have to wait about 10 days before your homemade mint oil is done and all the ingredients have matured. You should remember to turn the container upside down every twelve hours to make sure everything mixes well.

Mint alcohol

One useful thing to know is that many people make mint alcohol instead of oil. Mint alcohol works a little more effectively against muscle and rheumatic problems, in addition to cuts and abrasions.

If you are interested in making this mint mix, all you need to do is mix the mint leaves in a bottle of 95% alcohol. Pour the mixture into a waterproof container and let it settle in a cold, dark room for 15 to 20 days. When the time is up, strain out the contents and keep the remaining alcohol. This mix is ​​great for muscle and rheumatic pain. Very useful!

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