8 Useful Tips For Healthier, More Beautiful Hair

Your hair is a living extension of yourself, nourished by the digestive system. The hair is also closely linked to the nervous system and is composed of keratin, proteins, silica and oils.
8 useful tips for healthier, more beautiful hair

Apart from the fact that we want more beautiful hair for aesthetic reasons, in fact the hair has a biological function that stabilizes the body and as a sensory organ.

To achieve beautiful hair, you must constantly take care of and nurture it, because it is unfortunately exposed to countless factors that both wear on it and damage it. But fortunately, there are many simple and natural ways to improve the health of the hair, in addition to making it both beautiful, soft and shiny. In this article you can learn more about how you can best take care of your hair!

Hair care tips for more beautiful hair

Most of us worry most about the hygiene of the hair, washing it regularly and giving it a good treatment with the hairbrush. But you may not know about the other daily routines you can perform to moisturize your hair and make it healthier. In this article we show you this:

Comb your hair every day

2-comb hair

Combing your hair several times each day stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, which contributes to healthy hair growth. If you want to achieve a softer, longer hair, it is time to become friends with the hairbrush and comb, and comb your hair two to three times every day.

Rinse with cold water

Using hot water in the shower actually makes the scalp more sensitive, and makes the hair appear drier and more frizzy. Cold water, on the other hand, is very good for the hair because it closes the roots of the hair follicles, which gives a more shiny and soft mane. Of course, we do not claim that the hair should be caused by ice water, but if you make it a habit to shower with moderately cold or lukewarm water, you will quickly notice a difference.


Avoid excessive exposure to heat


Regular exposure to excessive heat causes the scalp to dry out, and as a result , the hair loses its shine and volume with each passing day. Regular use of curling irons, hair dryer and tweezers also makes the hair weaker and leads to worn tips and slower hair growth. To prevent this damage to the hair, it is therefore best to avoid these products completely, but if you need to use them, you should make sure to apply a good moisturizing cure on both the hair and the scalp.

Be careful when dissolving tangles

Tangles are a very common problem for those with long hair. They tend to get worse if you do not use good hair products. Some people try to brush or comb them out quickly, but this is not a good idea as the hair strands break more easily in this way. All you achieve with this is just a more damaged hair. A good trick, on the other hand, is to smear some jojoba or coconut oil on the tangle. Let it work for a few minutes, then easily and simply loosen up the annoying tangle.

Trim the tips often

4-wear tips

The tips of the hairs become slightly weaker and dry out over time. This makes the hair look less healthy and shiny. Experts recommend trimming the tips at least once every two months to promote healthier and more beautiful hair.

Have a healthy diet

Your diet plays an important role for more beautiful hair. The nutrients found in the food you eat are also essential for hair growth and reproduction. One of the most basic steps in the right direction is to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products and fish, in addition to always getting enough water during the day.

Treatments for healthier and more beautiful hair

In combination with your daily routine to keep your hair soft and beautiful , you should always use natural treatments that add moisture and strengthen the hair. There are countless masks, conditioners, shampoos and other products to choose from, but here are the best recommendations – one for dry hair and one for combination hair.

Mask of eggs and avocado


The avocado is known for its many health benefits. Especially for hair and skin, because it is rich in nutrients and essential oils. In this treatment we have combined the avocado with eggs to make an effective mask for the hair.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


Mash the avocado flesh in a bowl, then add the egg yolk and oil. Mix all the ingredients well and then apply the mask to the hair. Let it work for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it out. This cure is ideal for dry hair and can be used twice a month.

Mask of banana and lemon

This simple hair mask adds moisture to the hair at the same time as it thoroughly cleanses and fights damage to the hair strands.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil


Mash the banana with a fork and mix in the lemon juice and sunflower oil. Mix well until you get a thick paste, and then apply in damp hair. Then let the mask work for 20-30 minutes.


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