Chronic Harassment: People Who Complain All The Time

Chronic harassment creates a distorted view of reality, and the affected person will always be able to find a culprit for everything that happens to them
Chronic harassment: People who complain all the time

At some point in life, we have all played the role of victims. But what happens when it becomes part of your personality? What happens if you complain all the time? You become the person who suffers from chronic harassment.

Chronic harassment and pessimism

A person who sees himself as a victim will be unhappy and pessimistic. Everything will be dark, they will believe that only bad things happen to them, and that bad luck follows them everywhere they go.

The problem is that it is not real at all: a chronic victim has a distorted view of reality.


The person who complains about everything and everyone on a regular basis actually sees life in a distorted way. Their pessimistic attitude and belief that anything negative will happen to them is what causes this view.

Everyone has been through hard times, and now you may be wondering if you are also a chronic victim. Chronic harassment is something that is built up over time – it is an attitude to life.

Going through a dark or sad period does not make you a chronic victim.

Pessimistic people and chronic victims live off negative emotions and feelings. What is even worse is that they not only blame others for their adversity, they take on attitudes of contempt, aggression, intolerance, and even violence.

What are the characteristics of chronic harassment?

If you are still not sure if you yourself are a chronic victim, or if someone around you suffers from this disorder, let’s look at some of the characteristics that best describe this type of personality.

A distorted view of reality

People with chronic harassment believe that everything that happens to them is because of someone else. Thanks to this, they are never responsible for their own actions. And instead, they put all the blame on others.

The problem is that a distorted view of reality will only make them feel more unhappy, because they believe they have no power to change their own situation.


They live by complaints

Complaints and lamentations are the fuel for a chronic victim. With each complaint, they manage to get the attention of others and become the center of attention. Which makes them feel important. The worst thing is that they never ask for help or try to move away from a situation they do not like. Their way of working is quite easy to complain about.

Goal: find someone to blame

All victims are looking for a guilty person who they can blame for the problems they do not want to be responsible for. They believe that other people are motivated by their own interests, just by using people around them. They do not realize that they are fabricating this lie, and in fact, they like it.

Lack of self-criticism

At this point, it should be clear that chronic harassment makes you unable to have a good perspective on yourself. You are unable to understand that there is anything reprehensible about you, or that you can improve anything.

Bad things, negative energy, are created by others – it is out of control. You’re just a victim of something you can not stop.

Manipulation and emotional blackmail

A chronic victim is an expert in dealing with situations and people to achieve their interests. They know that playing the victim will turn in their favor.

Because of this. Is it important to be aware that a pessimistic person will use emotional blackmail. To make them seem even more like a victim in any situation. They rejoice in their bad attitude, where they live off their grief and blaming others for feeling important.

4-woman doll

You need to learn to deal with these types of people and neutralize their effects. So that they can not infect you with negative emotions. A chronic victim is a toxic person who will poison you, whether you think they will or not. If you have the opportunity to remove a chronic victim from your life, do it!

You do not deserve to have someone tear down your happiness with their complaints and criticisms, which are the result of their own distorted reality in their attempt to become a martyr.


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