Alkaline Foods And Your Body

Your body tends to be sour. Therefore, it is important to know which alkaline foods can help balance it. While it may not seem like it, this is the key to good health and the prevention of diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
Alkaline foods and your body

You have probably heard of the benefits of an alkaline diet. Naturists, doctors and scientists emphasize the importance of consuming alkaline foods to balance the body’s pH value. After all, an acidic pH is the ideal environment for many diseases.

Before we discuss alkaline foods and the benefits of consuming them, we will first go through some points to understand the importance of an alkaline diet.

According to the dictionary of the National Cancer Institute of the United States (NCI), alkalization is the process by which high concentrations of acid in the blood are reduced, or in the urine, which can cause certain diseases or conditions.

Let’s take a look at some information about this.

What is the pH of the body?

Alkaline foods

The abbreviation pH stands for “potency and hydrogen”.

All solutions, including blood and tissues, have levels of hydrogen ions. These levels are measured on a scale from 0 to 14.

  • 7 is neutral.
  • Anything that measures less than 7 is acidic.
  • So anything that measures more than 7 is alkaline (alkaline).

In addition, important processes such as breathing, metabolism and exercise generate acids that help our body to “fight” to achieve the right balance.

The work our body does to achieve a balanced pH level is a complex process. However, we can help through the food we eat on a daily basis.

What are alkaline foods?

Many foods are very acidic: meat, dairy products, white sugar, refined flour, industrialized foods.

On the other hand, alkaline foods are those that help to alkalize the body’s balance.

An increase in acidity gives you inflammation in your tissues and makes them the ideal breeding ground for diseases.

However, an alkaline diet provides the necessary minerals to balance the acidified pH.

The most important properties of alkaline foods are:

  • High proportions of potassium and lower amounts of protein.
  • Metabolic by-products. Usually your body makes these from the intake of these foods. Basically, they contain the proportion of hydrogen ions needed to reduce the amount of acid in the body.

What does an alkaline diet consist of?

What does an alkaline diet consist of?

Fruits and green leafy vegetables are good examples of foods that contain higher proportions of minerals that fight acidic pH. Of course, you can eat them in generous amounts.

Meanwhile , seeds, sprouts, legumes and dried fruits have higher amounts of protein.

Herbs, spices, micro vegetables, algae and pro-biotic foods are also a big part of this diet.

The seven most important alkaline foods

  • Spinach
  • Savoy cabbage
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Avocado
  • Celery
  • Paprika

What are the benefits of alkaline foods?

First of all, an alkaline diet can reverse type 2 diabetes

First of all, an alkaline diet can reverse type 2 diabetes. As we know, this type of diabetes is closely linked to our diet and lifestyle.

With any diet, it is important that there is variety.

Therefore, we recommend that you vary the alkaline foods.

If you need to follow a diet rich in anti-inflammatory drugs, the solution is to eat alkaline foods. Chronic inflammation is very common in heart and neurodegenerative diseases.

It should be noted that the body’s response to inflammation is a superactive immune system that gradually damages the organs.

Five habits to alkalize our body

  • First, start the day with two glasses of warm water and a quarter cup of lemon juice. Lemon juice is a powerful alkaline food.
  • Avoid white sugar. This is the most important inflammatory agent for many organs in the body.
  • Eat more raw vegetables and green juices. Carcinogens hate the oxygen that comes from green vegetables.
  • Perform exercise. There is nothing like a good daily routine to relieve stress and generate acid hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
  • Avoid chemicals, such as sweeteners and unnecessary medications.
  • Always consult your doctor if you have any questions.

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