Excerpts And Advice On The Treatment Of Sciatica

Did you know that turmeric can relieve sciatica pain? Because it is anti-inflammatory, it provides relief both in the form of tea and as a compress.
Extracts and advice on treating sciatica

When the sciatic nerve swells, we get pain that goes from the back and down the back of the thigh. Sometimes the pain can spread all the way down to the ankle. Treatment of sciatica, may consist of certain anti-rheumatic and analgesic herbs, through extract / tea, or as a compress / wrap.

Symptoms suggestive of swelling of the sciatic nerve

  • A sharp pain that shoots from the gluteal muscles and down the back of the leg, sometimes all the way down to the ankle
  • It is difficult to perform simple movements, such as turning in bed
  • When you stand or walk a lot, the pain gradually gets worse, until it becomes unbearable
  • When the swelling is really bad, you can not find any positions that are comfortable
  • The person suffering from these types of swellings feels very limited due to pain and discomfort

Extracts that can help with sciatica

Dandelion1 (1)

Extract with turmeric

This is a highly recommended spice for the treatment of sciatica, as it contains large amounts of anti-inflammatory agents. Make an extract for tea using a couple of roots that are put in a pint of water and drink this 3-4 times a day.

Mixed extract


  • ryllik
  • pansy
  • merian
  • elderberry flowers
  • dandelion

How to make this

You should use ten grams of each plant variety. Crush them and mix them well together. Then boil a cup of water and put in a tablespoon of the plant mixture. Cover and let stand 5 minutes before drinking this. Drink two cups a day.

Carrot juice and parsley

carrot-and-apple (1)

This juice is very effective in treating this problem. Make a smoothie of carrot and parsley and drink one glass every day . It does not matter when in the day you drink it.

It is also recommended that you get a garlic boat with a glass of pineapple juice, without extra sweeteners.

Dietary supplements for sciatica


This is a bioflavonoid commonly found in fruits and vegetables, and one finds even more of it in onions and apples. The substance is rich in antioxidants that protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals.


This is an enzyme found in pineapple that can relieve swelling from sciatica.


This contains lots of minerals and vitamins , and has the ability to nourish the nervous system and cleanse the body by getting rid of fats and toxins.

Compress and wrap as a treatment for sciatica

  • Apply a compress of green clay on the exposed area to reduce swelling and pain. This should be applied through a gentle massage.
  • Make a wrap by mixing a tablespoon of olive oil with ground ginger root. Apply the cover through a gentle massage. This can be repeated several times a day.

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