4 Natural Teas For People With Digestive Problems

If you have frequent digestive problems, it is a good idea to include these teas in your daily routine. In addition to relieving pain and other discomfort, they also reduce how often this discomfort occurs.
4 natural teas for people with digestive problems

The digestive system is one of the most important in the human body. Its relevance also brings with it a great deal of care. This is because it is more likely that more problems will arise because you do not know it well. Learn about 4 natural teas for people with digestive problems in this article.

The function of this system focuses on processing the food you eat. Thus, digestion starts based on what comes into your mouth. While these foods run throughout the system, the nutrients and other types of substances are absorbed to provide your body with energy. However, this process is sometimes hindered by a physical problem.

People with digestive problems

natural teas for people with digestive problems

Problems can affect different parts of the digestive system.

Some are better known than others. Among those who stand out are:

  • Stenosis (a problem with the esophagus)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Acid regurgitation
  • Gallstones
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Constipation
  • Gas

How do you identify digestive problems?

Most problems related to the digestive system have the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and the feeling that you want to vomit
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Incontinence
  • Difficulty swallowing

Many other symptoms may appear. But the ones we mentioned are the most important ones that will show up when you have something like a digestive problem.

Natural alternatives: tea for people with digestive problems

There is a high probability that you will suffer from this type of problem during your lifetime. As a result, you should know some natural remedies to soothe them. One of the oldest and most effective treatments is tea. You can make them with more ingredients and enjoy their benefits.

Below we share some of the excellent teas for people with digestive problems.

1. Chamomile

natural teas for people with digestive problems

Chamomile’s properties are perfect for combating various digestive problems. This helps you reduce indigestion and relieve nausea. It also reduces intestinal gas. The ideal is to make a tea of ​​loose flowers and drink it three times a week, preferably in the evening.


  • 2.5 dl water
  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers

This is what you do

  • Heat the water until it boils.
  • Add the chamomile flowers. Then remove it from the heat.
  • Cover the pan and let the tea steep for 15 minutes.
  • After this time, strain and drink it.

2. Mint tea

This plant is very well known in the world of medicine. Its use is becoming more common and it contributes greatly to your digestive system. Among the problems that it can help remove or reduce, we find indigestion, nausea and gallstones.


  • 1 handful of mint leaves
  • 2.5 dl water

This is what you do

  • Boil the water and keep in the coin.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and let it cool.
  • You should drink this tea at least twice a day (once before breakfast and then again before dinner).

3. Boldo-te

natural teas for people with digestive problems

This tea is widely known. This is undoubtedly due to its good properties to protect the digestive system. Boldo tea is perfect for those people who suffer from gallbladder problems or indigestion.


  • 2 tablespoons dried Boldo leaves
  • 1 liter of water

This is what you do

  • Heat the water on low heat.
  • Watch so that a minute before it boils, add the Boldo leaves.
  • Let it soak for 3 minutes. Then, remove it from the heat and cover the container.
  • When it reaches a cold enough temperature to drink, strain it.
  • We recommend that you drink this tea after every meal, especially if it was a heavy meal.

4. Karvete

natural teas for people with digestive problems

Caraway is a spice with several benefits. But there are times when you should not consume it. Because of this, you need to be careful when using it. In conjunction with your digestive system, it fights colic and inflammation.


  • 2.5 dl water
  • 1 tbsp caraway

This is what you do

  • Heat the water until it boils, and add the caraway.
  • Let it soak for 5 minutes before straining and serving.
  • To get the best benefits, you should drink this tea 3 times per week.

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