Three Turmeric Recipes For Breakfast And Lunch

In this article, we are going to take a look at three recipes that contain turmeric that are versatile and can be used in various meals, including breakfast.
Three turmeric recipes for breakfast and lunch

Turmeric comes from the same family as ginger. It is used in many Asian dishes and it is a main ingredient in curry. It is quite clear that turmeric can make a recipe stand out. At the same time, it is often used for its color properties by many Curcumin E 100 industries. Try one of our turmeric recipes today!

Turmeric’s properties and benefits

Turmeric has interesting antioxidant and digestive properties. It protects cells and reduces bad cholesterol levels, in addition to being beneficial for the stomach and liver. Thus, it is a good option for those who have gas and digestive problems.

Eating turmeric on a regular basis can help prevent certain inflammatory conditions, including cancer. Therefore, it helps to counteract the side effects of medications and  it is beneficial for people who have arthritis.

Pepper in turmeric recipes

Turmeric is usually added in the last step of turmeric recipes and it is made with a pinch of pepper. Pepper helps the body absorb the active substances in turmeric, such as curcuminoids.

In fact, the actual reason for adding turmeric during the last 15 minutes of cooking so it may lose 85% of its curcuminoids. For this reason,  it is best to use it at the end of the recipe or even raw.

According to pepper, it contains piperine. It has been shown that this can prevent the breakdown of curcuminoids. This means that your body can absorb a larger amount and more efficiently. Pepper’s unique properties can be used in other recipes with other ingredients, including medicine.

1. Spicy banana smoothie

Banana smoothie

The first recipe is a breakfast recipe that you can really enjoy with a special twist of turmeric. Cooking this is a breeze and the Asian spice gives it a spark. You will need the following ingredients to make two servings:


  • 4 frozen bananas (100 g)
  • 1 piece with fresh ginger (5 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon with cinnamon (1.2 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (1.2 g)
  • 7.5 dl with oat milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon with ground anise seeds (1.2 g)
  • 1/4 teaspoon with ground cardamom (0.5 g)


  • First, put all the ingredients in a blender and run it to a smooth mass.
  • Once blended, pour the mixture into two glasses.
  • Add a pinch of salt to bring out some flavor.
  • This simple smoothie is a great breakfast supplement. Turmeric and aniseed are good for fighting gas and the spice gives this smoothie a unique taste with an oriental touch.

2. Cheese and pumpkin macaroni

Who doesn’t like macaroni? This is one of our exciting turmeric recipes with pasta that can become a vegan dish just by replacing the cheese with vegan cheese. You will need the following:


  • 1 tomato (40 g)
  • 1/2 onion (40 g)
  • 1/4 eggplant (20 g)
  • 25 grams of peas
  • 1 teaspoon salt (2.5 g)
  • 120 g grated cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric (2.5 g)
  • 1 packet macaroni (250 g)
  • 400 grams of sliced ​​pumpkin
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder (2.5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon with lemon juice (5 ml)


  • Start by cutting up the eggplant, onions, and tomatoes.
  • Heat some oil in a pan and lightly fry the vegetables together with the peas.
  • Boil the pasta in a separate pan. When the vegetables are ready, add the cooked pasta and mix well.
  • Boil pumpkin in a separate saucepan until soft.
  • Put pumpkin with the remaining ingredients in a blender and run it until it becomes a sauce.
  • Finally, add the sauce to the pasta and vegetables. Mix and serve.

3. Roasted lemon and broccoli


Finally, this simple turmeric recipe includes broccoli and lemon. You only need the following ingredients to prepare it:


  • 1 lemon (40 g)
  • 1 head of broccoli (100 g)
  • 2 garlic cloves (2 g)
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (1.2 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (30 g)


  • First, wash your head with broccoli and cut off the stem as there is no need for it. Instead, you can use it in a recipe for vegetable soup.
  • Place broccoli pieces in a bowl and preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • Then add a little squeezed lemon to the garlic cloves.
  • Add the oil and a little lemon zest to bring out the flavors.
  • Finally, mix everything together with the chopped broccoli and fry them in the oven on baking paper. Twenty minutes is all it takes to fry this recipe.

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