Do You Know What Burgers Really Are?

Junk food, also known as fast food, has many negative consequences on your body. If you add the fact that a sedentary lifestyle is common in society, it is not illogical to think that something is not right with your habits and your diet.
Do you know what burgers really are?

There are many myths about which raw materials are used to make so-called “fast food”. Therefore, various studies have been done to find out what hamburgers really are and what they are actually made of. Read this article to answer the mystery and find out what burgers really are. This applies to burgers from fast food restaurants.

Junk food – bigger and bigger part of our diet

Junk food, also known as fast food, has many negative consequences on your body. If you add the fact that a sedentary lifestyle is common in society. Isn’t it illogical to think that something is wrong with your habits and your diet.

But beyond that , the food available in many places is not the healthiest, it is the opposite. It’s easier to get burgers than a salad in many countries.

If you only eat this type of food once in a while, such as as a treat. To celebrate something, or because you want to eat something else once a month, it is no problem. The problem lies in the fact that many people eat fast food more than twice a week.

What burgers contribute – only poor health

Hamburgers, which are one of the examples of fast food, have high amounts of animal protein, additives, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, sugar, saturated fat, sodium, and lots of calories. They will not give you any fiber or vitamins. The ingredients in fast food are addictive. And as strong as this word sounds, it turns out that we eat it more and more.

This is why children, after eating at these places, do not want to eat their vegetables or other foods that their parents make. Something similar happens to adults. Especially because it’s quick to get food for lunch or easy not to make dinner.

If you eat this type of food often, your cholesterol levels will increase. You will have bone problems (due to low calcium intake), cardiovascular disease, obesity, constipation, generally impaired health, heavy and slow digestion, changes in preferences for other foods, and biochemical changes in the brain (as if it were a intoxicant).

Reasons not to eat burgers from fast food restaurants

If you both want to eat healthier and love the environment and ecology, then you have several reasons to stop eating fast food meals from the popular restaurants. Among the chemical toxins (which cause cancer and chronic diseases) and the consequences for the planet, there is enough to say enough.

fast-food hamburger

Carbon hydroxide is one of the ingredients used to make hamburgers because it has the ability to kill bacteria. They have a pink color and it is caused by the treatment of waste from different types of meat. In other words, it is not edible.

In a meal or menu, there are tons of additives that are so bad for health that we can not mention them in the same article. This is one of the reasons why they do harm to your body, beyond the content of calories and fat.

After this came to light in a cooking program by chef Jamie Oliver, who showed what they did with this “pink slime” they use to fill chicken nuggets or sausages, the focus was on burgers.

Focus on natural foods

Fast food chains breed animals in artificial conditions so that they cannot move. They just eat and gain weight. Killing methods tend to be slow and painful. Chickens overeat, they lay eggs in small cages, and cows are in small rooms, where they eat corn or soy (sometimes they have to have surgery to remove their stomachs) to make them gain weight faster.


To meet the huge demand for meat, companies are destroying  large areas of forests and rainforests. As a result, they grow soy which is used to feed livestock. To pack burgers and fries, they cut down thousands of eucalyptus trees. Excrement from animals such as cows releases methane gas, which is responsible for global warming. And as if that were not enough, the packaging is made with materials that are not biodegradable and cause large amounts of rubbish.

They inject large amounts of antibiotics and hormones into cows. On the other hand, burgers are almost 50% water. They are also made of tendons, tongues, gums, snouts, eyelids, tails, intestines and blood.

What burgers and other fast food contain

People who work in fast food restaurants can also tell us what each of the most popular meals contain. All this was found out from a study on the social website Reddit, which got many former employees together so that they could reveal the secrets of junk food.

For example, they have found that the appearance of burgers when they arrive at the restaurant (raw) does not look like meat at all, and they look even smaller like what they do in ads. This is why they brown them as much as possible and then add different sauces.

junk food

On the other hand, they say that although the rules for cleaning are very strict in the restaurant, the employees use the same oil to fry everything due to lack of time and so that they do not have to spend a long time completing the order.

According to an official statement from the most popular hamburger chain in the world, they say that they do not add preservatives. However, one can find various items that are difficult to read and write (trichloroethane, dieldrin, ethylbenzene, and so on.). That’s why we can leave hamburgers for a long time without it rotting.

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