5 Reasons Why You Should Not Drink Bottled Water

Bottled water is not a sustainable alternative, although companies want us to believe it. It is true that many companies today have guidelines for recycling and reusing plastic bottles, but in most cases the bottles end up in the trash and pollute the environment.
5 reasons why you should not drink bottled water

Water is essential for life. Not only is it refreshing, it also plays an important role in the body and its functions. Because water is so important to the body and is needed to stay hydrated. Many companies have started a business of drinking bottled water that has been misleading to customers for decades. With slogans such as “9 out of 10 doctors recommend it”, many companies sell bottled water which they claim is healthier than tap water. Although it is apparently healthy. Some companies distribute poor quality bottled water at prices that are too high for consumers.

Drinking bottled water is not a sustainable alternative, although companies want us to believe it. It is true that many companies today have guidelines for recycling and reusing plastic bottles. But in most cases, the bottles end up in the trash and pollute the environment.

We are not saying that tap water is 100% safe to drink. Because it depends on how it has been treated before making it suitable as drinking water. So with this in mind: here are 5 reasons why you should not drink bottled water.

Plastic bottles are not sustainable


As we mentioned above, companies want consumers to believe that plastic bottles are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. What is really true is that these bottles are made with materials that take hundreds of years to break down.

There are many recycling campaigns to reduce the impact of plastic bottles on the environment. This has had only a minimal effect on the pollution. According to several studies, more plastic bottles are thrown away than recycled. In addition, “biodegradable” bottles are not as easy to break down as their label indicates. They are only made with less plastic than other bottles.

Most of the bottled water is the same as tap water, but at a higher price

The bottle of water can depict a peaceful source or stream, but this does not mean that the water is clean or of the highest quality. In fact, only a small percentage of the bottled water comes from springs or underground springs.

Nearly 25% of all bottled water has the same quality as tap water. Of course, there are some companies that filter or irradiate the water with ultraviolet light. Before it is sold at a price that is 100 times higher than the same amount of tap water. In addition, several studies have shown that samples of bottled water contain phthalates, mold, microbes, benzene, trihalomethanes and even arsenic. Thus, experts consider tap water to be more reliable. Although the purification process used by the municipal water supply should be taken into account.

Several bottled waters contain toxins

water bottles

The plastic used for bottled water is not only bad for the planet. But can also harm your body. Companies that produce bottled water use a type of plastic that is BPA-free, which is less toxic than other types of plastic. However, it is not free of other chemical compounds that can be released if the bottle is exposed to heat for a long time. Some of these chemical products can be endocrine disruptors. Although this is not scientifically confirmed yet.

Local water is the perfect complement to organic food

Organic food has become very popular. After it was determined that it is much healthier than foods that have been exposed to pesticides and other chemicals. Preparing food with these foods along with tap water is a way to support healthy and sustainable food.

There are alternatives to drinking bottled water

Buying a reusable bottle in a size and style that you like is a great way to save money, stay healthy and help the environment at the same time. There are many bottles on the market that are ideal for filling with tap water. So you always have this important fluid available.

There are also several innovative products for the home that can increase safety by drinking tap water straight from the tap. A glass jar with a biodegradable filter is a good choice that will guarantee safer water. Another option is to put a filter on the faucet; they are easy to install and will improve water quality.

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