7 Foods That Help Relieve Colds

It is very common to confuse the common cold with the flu due to the similarity between the symptoms, but they are diseases caused by two completely different viruses. In this article we will tell you how to fight cold symptoms.
7 foods that help relieve colds

Relieving colds is a basic necessity, as it is a very common viral disease among humans. It is very common when we are in colder climates. This viral disease is known to cause:

  • nasal congestion
  • sneezing
  • neck pain
  • reap
  • other symptoms

What do I really have?

Despite the frequency with which colds and flu are confused with each other, due to their similar symptoms, we should remember that they are two diseases caused by two completely different viruses.

  • Influenza : A respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus, in which the patient has a fever above 38 ° C, as well as muscle and joint pain.
  • Colds : A viral infection of the respiratory tract that can be caused by various viruses (Rinovirus, Parainfluenza virus, etc.). When a person has a cold, it is normal to have a runny nose, dry cough, sneezing or sore throat.

Fight cold symptoms

In many cases, although it is recommended to eat natural foods every day to stay healthy, it is important to remember that we can eat these foods to relieve cold symptoms.

1. Ginger

foods that help relieve colds

According to a study published by the American Medical Association  , this plant is one of the most recommended by professionals to relieve cold symptoms. This is because it has properties that fight a stuffy nose and strengthen our immune system .

A natural recipe for relieving a cold is to prepare a ginger infusion. To do this you need:

  • Ginger root (10 g)
  • Water (250 ml)
  • Lemon and honey (optional)

To prepare it, you just need to cut the ginger into pieces and add it to a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. When ready, strain and add lemon juice. You can also sweeten it with a little honey.

2. Garlic helps relieve colds

It is considered one of the most important home remedies due to its natural antibacterial and expectorant properties. Regular consumption of garlic helps to reduce nasal congestion, and contributes significantly to relieving colds.


foods that help relieve colds

Although we blame it for making us cry when we cook, this vegetable contains nutrients that disinfect mucus, soothe coughs and relieve lung density.

By eating it regularly, or by placing half an onion on our bedside table so that we can smell the aroma, we will be able to strengthen the immune system.

4. Eggs help relieve colds

This food, which is full of vitamins and minerals such as zinc and selenium, helps keep us healthy and strong. The natural proteins in eggs are essential for building muscle mass, for keeping the body’s defenses functioning and for relieving cold symptoms.

5. Pumpkins

Pumpkin soup in a bowl

To keep the immune system strong and to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the body, it is recommended to eat pumpkin.

Having a large amount of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A when ingested, is highly recommended by nutritionists and health professionals. All because it helps keep the immune system strong thanks to the properties that prevent diseases of the respiratory tract while removing mucus from the throat, bronchi and lungs.

One of the most recurring tips we get when we have a cold is to eat pumpkin soup. This is because it strengthens our immune system. To prepare this soup you need:

  • Pumpkin cut into pieces (250 g)
  • Onions cut into pieces (1 onion)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Water (2 l)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

To make it, first cook all the vegetables in a saucepan over low heat for 45 minutes. When they are tender, transfer them to the blender with 3.5 dl of the juice that is in the pot. Mix for 5 minutes on medium speed until you achieve a smooth, homogeneous texture.

6. Lemon

Thanks to the healing properties and the high concentration of vitamins, lemons are very popular in the treatment of colds. In fact, they are a powerful antibiotic, cleanser and antibacterial agent.

Their high vitamin C content helps strengthen your defenses. This helps you to avoid as well as fight disease and cold symptoms.

When trying to relieve colds, it is recommended to add the juice of half a lemon and a few teaspoons of honey in a cup of warm water. You should drink this in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after waking up, until the pain in the throat has disappeared.

7. Beans help relieve colds

kidney beans in a bowl

According to a study published by the Institute of Agrifood Technology of Spain  , beans, along with onions and garlic, act as a natural resistance to influenza thanks to their properties that strengthen the immune system. Among the most popular we find:

  • Lenses
  • Refried beans
  • Chickpeas

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