What Are The Knowledge-based Benefits Of Elderberries?

Elderberries are known for their ability to strengthen the immune system and help relieve coughs, flu and colds. What does the evidence say about that? In this article, we tell you everything you need to know.
What are the knowledge-based benefits of elderberries?

The benefits of elderberry (Sambucus)  are well documented in books on natural medicine. In fact, they have been the subject of various scientific studies that have approved some of its uses in relation to health. What does the evidence say?

To begin with, you should know that there are around 30 types of elderberry trees and plants in the world. However, the European version (Sambucus Nigra) is the most popular in terms of medical use. You can use the flowers, berries and bark of the plant.

Favorable components with elderberries

When it comes to health, the black berries are the most used part of the shelf. These stand out due to their content of organic pigments, tannins, carotenoids, amino acids, vitamins C and other nutrients where intake contributes to the prevention of diseases.

As described in a review published in the Journal of Functional Foods, elderberries contain:

  • From 6 to 35 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, ie up to 60% of your recommended daily intake
  • 7 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams
  • Phenolic acids
  • Quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin
  • Anthocyanins

The knowledge-based benefits of elderberries

Today, many of the benefits of elderberries are used to make supplements and natural products. This is actually the best way to eat them since raw berries, bark and leaves have toxic compounds that can cause stomach problems if not used properly.

However, it is important to clarify that although elderberries have positive health effects that are supported by evidence, it is not a first-line treatment for diseases, and it is not a substitute for medical recommendations. For this reason, it is important to consult your doctor first when you are ill.

Elderberries against the flu and colds

A woman who is ill
People have traditionally used elderberries to relieve symptoms of colds and flu.

People have used elderberries as an aid against the flu and cold symptoms since ancient times. A tea made from both the flowers and the berry extract seems to reduce the severity and duration of the infection when drunk at the first sign of symptoms.

A study published in 2019 through Complementary Therapies in Medicine found  that the berries have positive effects against upper respiratory symptoms due to the antioxidant components.

In addition, another study published in the Journal of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry in 2012 suggested that these fruits help stimulate the immune response, reducing the risk of infections such as influenza.

The benefits of elderberries for heart health

One of the most prominent benefits of elderberries has to do with heart health. In particular, studies have shown that the berries have positive effects on the heart and blood vessels. A review published in Phytotherapy Research suggests that the fruit from the plant helps reduce the risk of heart disease thanks to its content of anthocyanin.

These substances, which act as antioxidants, appear to reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. In addition, they also have a positive effect on blood pressure. Although more studies are needed, the findings support its use to support a healthy heart.

Against constipation

A publication on the page of Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center states that elderberries have a small laxative effect and therefore should not be taken with other laxatives. Researchers attribute this property to a substance known as anthraquinone, which is also found in rhubarb and senna.

They also explain it by the significant content of fiber, which contributes to optimal intestinal function. In general , dry elderberries help to stimulate intestinal peristalsis to promote the elimination of waste. We need more proof, but it is considered safe when taken for up to five days.

The benefits of elderberries: Other possible benefits

Currently , there is not enough evidence to confirm that elderberries have an exceptional role in disease prevention. Due to the content of antioxidants, it can still have other positive health effects. Of course, you should still follow your intake with a healthy lifestyle.

  • The anthocyanins in elderberries give them an anti-inflammatory effect that can help relieve physical pain.
  • A study published in Phytotherapy Research highlights that black currant has antiviral and antimicrobial properties that are useful against pathogens that cause sinusitis, bronchitis and intestinal infections.
  • In animal experiments, elderberries had a diuretic effect that was able to stimulate the frequency of urination.
  • The antioxidants and nutrients also have a positive effect on mood. In particular, it improves mental performance and reduces the risk of depression.
A woman who has a stomach ache
Elderberries have a laxative effect and a high fiber content, which means that it promotes peristalsis.

The side effects of elderberry

In most healthy adults , a moderate intake of elderberries is not a problem. However, it is extremely important to avoid excessive intake as it can irritate the stomach due to the lectin content.

On the other hand, elderberry plants contain substances called cyanogenic glycosides, which can release small doses of cyanide. Of course, the amount of this drug per 100 grams is only 3% of the estimated lethal dose for a person.

In addition , commercial supplements and cooked elderberries have not been shown to contain cyanide and are therefore safe. Ingestion of parts of the raw plant, whether it is berries, leaves or bark, can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Elderberry-based products, such as supplements with the plant or berries, are contraindicated for children under 18 and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. People with a specific disease should consult a doctor before taking this type of medication.

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