The First 5 Symptoms Of Tongue Cancer

Fortunately, several of the symptoms of tongue cancer can be attributed to other less serious problems. However, it is important to consult a doctor if you experience more of these symptoms to rule out more serious illnesses.
The first 5 symptoms of tongue cancer

Tongue cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of tongue cancer in order to get treatment as early as possible.

In most cases, tongue cancer is due to a high intake of alcohol or smoke over a long period of time.

Statistics show that the disease occurs more often in men than in women, and recently the number of people with oropharyngeal or oral cancer has increased.

As with any disease, there are certain symptoms that appear and give an indication of what is happening. If you suspect tongue cancer, check to see if you have any of the symptoms we mention in this article.

However, be aware that these symptoms are the most common and they are not 100% indicative that you have cancer.

If you have any health problems, remember that you should consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Risk factors

Symptoms of heavy cancer

Just as some people with a family history of diabetes are more likely to get diabetes at some point in their lives, there are also factors, either lifestyle or diet-related, that can make you more prone to cancer.

Some of them are:

Smoking and alcohol consumption

This combination makes you more likely to get tongue cancer, as well as other diseases such as lung cancer, cirrhosis and stomach cancer.

Active smokers are more likely to develop cancer cells in the mouth area. This also applies to people who regularly drink alcohol.


Having a diet that is low in fruits and vegetables weakens the immune system and makes you more vulnerable to frequent health problems.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

People with HPV are more likely to get tongue cancer because the virus is directly linked to its formation and growth.

The symptoms of heavy cancer

1. Tongue ulcers

Painful wounds or wounds that do not respond well to medication are one of the first symptoms of tongue cancer.

The wounds are usually painful and very unpleasant. But the difference here is that these are much more sensitive and appear very often.

It is important not to confuse them with common sores or oral herpes, so pay attention to the level and duration of the pain.

2. Pain

The pain caused by tongue cancer is not limited to just the tongue

The pain caused by tongue cancer is not limited to just the tongue. It can also occur otherwise in the mouth and throat.

  • You may feel it during everyday activities such as drinking liquids or chewing food.
  • Depending on the pain while swallowing or chewing, this may be an indication of cancer, although it can also be attributed to throat infections, tonsillitis or an allergy.

Monitor the intensity and duration of the pain.

If the pain lasts longer than a week and you see some of the other symptoms of tongue cancer, such as spots on the tongue, it is best to be examined by a doctor and be properly diagnosed.

3. Stains on your tongue

Spots are also one of the symptoms of tongue cancer. They are usually white (leukoplakia) or red (erythoplakia) and last longer than two weeks. If you experience this, you should consult a doctor to find out what is happening.

If your doctor decides it is necessary, they will order a biopsy to analyze the spots.

4. Unpleasant odor

Unpleasant odor

A bad odor in the mouth after the above symptoms are very common. It can be solved by brushing your teeth and tongue, but it comes back and can come with a taste of blood.

5. Bleeding tongue

Many people have bleeding in the tongue area and confuse it with bleeding gums or sores. It is therefore important to find out where the bleeding is coming from.

  • Clean the tongue after eating with a cotton swab to find out where it comes from.
  • Contact a doctor if you constantly taste blood in your mouth.

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