5 Items That Collect Bacteria In Your Home

Several objects in your home collect bacteria and often we are not even aware of it. In this article you can learn about what these are, as well as how to clean them.
5 items that collect bacteria in your home

Many people are surprised when they find out about certain products that are seen as hygienic, but which actually collect bacteria.

Does this pose a health risk? What should you do?

First of all, it is important to know that the home is constantly inhabited by a large number of bacteria. Although they are not a constant threat, they can be potentially harmful.

Although you can be very concerned about always having a clean house, we all live in contact with many bacteria day in and day out. The more people who live in the house, the more of these harmful organisms are reproduced and pose a threat to your health.

Read on and we will tell you about all the five common items in your home that collect bacteria.

5 common household items that collect bacteria

After taking a look at the following list, you will know which items you need to be extra careful with when washing and disinfecting at home.

1. The toilet collects bacteria

It is logical that we start with the object that constitutes the very idea of ​​bacteria. Nevertheless, many publications have assured us that the toilet is not as dirty as many objects that we touch daily, such as the menus of restaurants.

Due to their function, the toilets are in constant contact with many bacteria that are harmful to your health. Because of this, it is advisable to wash it once a week, including the tank. This keeps the entire toilet clean.

2. Sponges

Despite the fact that they often go unnoticed, fungi are one of the most common objects that collect bacteria – and many of them as well.

It makes sense if you think about it from this perspective: They mix leftover food with moisture. This is the ideal environment for microorganisms to multiply in your home.

Kitchen sponge

It is recommended to replace your sponge every week, although it may work a lot. Another option is to clean it with a mixture of 90% water and 10% chlorine. The second time, it is best to recycle the sponge and use it to clean the bathroom or sink.

In addition, the fact that sponges divide the kitchen with cloths that are usually damp, intensifies the effects of pollution. It is almost mandatory to clean the sponge after each use. 

Bedding collects bacteria

5 items that collect bacteria in your home

Did you think that the place you sleep every night is surrounded by bacteria?

It is recommended to change the bed linen every week. 

This is really very logical.

The argument is that the sheet collects dandruff, creams and dirt that we take with us to bed every night. In addition, it is recommended that you ventilate the bedding when you get up, before making the bed. This prevents bacteria from getting caught and multiplying.

4. The sink in the kitchen and the bathroom

It may sound strange that the objects that are constantly receiving water flow collect bacteria to such an extent. In reality, however, this is the case.

The kitchen sink is in constant contact with leftover food. The combination of moisture in the sink and food debris is perfect for bacteria.

Of course, this can be avoided by a good cleaning and disinfection of the area after each use. In addition, it is important to prevent it from accumulating bacteria from one day to the next.

In addition, the sink and sink in the bathroom, as well as the bathtub, are a perfect place for fungus and mold.

Residues from the human body and moisture are catalysts for bacterial growth. To make matters worse, bathroom sinks tend to have difficult corners to clean and this promotes the growth of mold.

5. Toothbrushes

Believe it or not, these little brushes collect bacteria. 

Staphylococcal bacteria, E. coli, Pseudomonas and intestinal bacteria are particularly prominent. These are bacteria that can cause serious problems if they are not controlled in time.

At the same time, the cup that holds these objects can also be something that collects bacteria in the millions. It is advisable to clean the cup daily to avoid the accumulation of water and moisture that collects in it.


Other objects in the home that collect bacteria

We can also add the following items that we have to deal with throughout the day:

  • Mobile phones
  • TV and remote controls
  • Doors and steering wheel, and other car parts
  • The floor
  • Table
  • Backpacks and bags
  • Cutting board
  • Towel
  • PC mice and keys
  • Doorknob

As you can see, we are in contact with many items in the home that collect bacteria on a daily basis. At the same time, you do not need to be intimidated. Your body has defense mechanisms to fight these bacteria.

Despite this, you should take precautions to keep your home clean and healthy.

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