How To Reduce And Avoid Gallstones

Gallstones are hard, stone-like formations in the gallbladder that come from too much fat and are highly related to cholesterol levels. Those who suffer from this are often overweight women over 40 with several children.
How to reduce and avoid gallstones

Here is an overview of foods and supplements that can improve gallbladder function, and that can help you reduce and avoid gallstones, especially if you are genetically predisposed.

In order to take proper care of the liver and gallbladder, and thus avoid gallstones, it is important to avoid the following foods:

  • Alcohol
  • Fried food
  • Red meat
  • Ready meals
  • Dairy products
  • White sugar
  • Margarine
  • Artificial sweeteners

Aside from eating this food daily, it is important to know that the liver and gallbladder renew themselves every morning. Therefore, it is better to eat a small dinner or eat early, so that one does not digest food through the night.

We will also give you a list of foods and supplements that can give you health benefits, and help you avoid gallstones:

Red fermented rice originates in Asia and  has properties that reduce triglycerides  and bad cholesterol, but which also increase good cholesterol. Since gallstones are highly related to cholesterol, it is recommended to eat this type of yeast for a period of time.

This supplement is available in pill form, powder form or as an extract.

Black radish


It contains fiber, amino acids, vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals. Among other components, it contains glucosinolate which is important for increased bile production and to help empty the gallbladder.

For this reason, we recommend that you eat the radish when the liver is blocked or if you suffer from other digestive problems . You can also eat it after a large and heavy meal, to help cleanse the body.

Traditionally, one uses the root, which is common in salads, as a side dish, or as a garnish in certain dishes.

Black radish

Originally used along the Mediterranean, comes   (Chelidonium Majus). It is found mainly in Europe, but also in parts of Asia. Swallowweed increases bile production and  counteracts the production of gallstones in the gallbladder and bile ducts.

You can get it in you by drinking water where the plant has drawn, or as an extract in the recommended dose.

swallowtail increases bile production


Vitamin C is useful for an active immune system and helps prevent the crystallization of gallstones.

Take it in pill form during the day as well as eating foods that contain the drug daily.

This is an old method that many still swear by. Here an enema (intestinal rinsing) is performed with organic, roasted coffee in powder form.

Boil 1 liter of water with 3 tablespoons of coffee over high temperature for 5 minutes or low temperature for 15 minutes. Pour through the filter until you get rid of the grit.

As soon as it is lukewarm, use half a liter for the bowel movement, by lying on its side. Try to keep the liquid inside for 10-15 minutes. This is a very powerful remedy that can help those who have had gallbladder removal .

This is an extremely simple remedy that helps you cleanse, as well as liven up your gallbladder, every morning . Take 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of cold olive oil every morning before eating. Then wait for half an hour and drink one or two glasses of warm water before eating breakfast. This also helps against constipation.


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