4 Detoxifying Drinks For Weight Loss

Including detoxifying drinks in your diet can help you lose weight, cleanse your body and remove excess toxins that can cause disease. Try these great options!
4 detoxifying drinks for weight loss

Detoxifying drinks, or detox drinks, are smoothies made especially for those who want to take care of their body every day.

These provide lots of benefits and will include:

  • Balance the nutritional value of foods
  • Burn fat and help regulate weight loss
  • Promote detoxification of the body
  • Eliminate toxins

Although there are many different ways to achieve the same results,  detoxifying drinks are completely natural and can be prepared and drunk quickly, making them even more effective.

If you are wondering how to use detoxifying drinks to lose weight, we will explain how to do it in this article.

Do not miss it!

Natural detoxifying drinks

1. Pineapple and cucumber

Detoxifying drinks with cucumber, apple and pineapple

Pineapple is a food that contains high levels of fiber, iron, magnesium and zinc, which gives us good health benefits.

Cucumber is also an incredible source of vitamins A, B and C, antioxidants, calcium and phosphorus.

Both ingredients are able to:

  • Cleanse the body
  • Make you fuller
  • Prevent constipation


  • 1 medium pineapple
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 aloe vera leaf
  • 1 apple
  • 2 cups water (400 ml)


  • Wash all ingredients with cold water to remove any residue.
  • Remove the peel from the pineapple and cut the fruit into small pieces.
  • Cut cucumber and apple into pieces, and here you leave the peel on.
  • Divide the aloe vera leaf and remove the gel.
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender and run it until you have a homogeneous mixture.

How do you drink this drink?

  • Drink 2 glasses with this drink on an empty stomach all week.

For best results, we recommend that you  eat a breakfast that gives you energy for the rest of the day and that is beneficial for digestion.

2. Papaya


Papaya is a fruit that is able to effectively fight bloating and eliminate the harmful parasites that live in the intestines. It also contains high levels of analgesics and is rich in complex B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and fiber. These properties make papaya an excellent choice for natural cleansing.


  • 500 g papaya
  • 2 scouts
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 peeled garlic cloves
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 banana
  • 2 cups water (400 ml)


  • Wash all ingredients with cold water to remove any dirty residue.
  • Use the entire papaya, including the seed and peel.
  • Remove the stone from the peach.
  • Mash the garlic cloves.
  • Continue by cutting all the ingredients into small pieces and placing them, and the water, in the blender.
  • Run it until there are no lumps.

How do you drink this papaya drink?

  • Drink between 2 and 3 glasses of this detoxifying beverage throughout the day.

3. Orange and kiwi


Oranges are one of the fruits with the highest vitamin C content. Among their benefits, you will find that they:

  • Prevents kidney stones
  • Equalizes cholesterol levels
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Keeps your skin fresh and hydrated

Kiwi not only helps you get rid of constipation, but it is also able to reduce fluid retention and promote healthy digestion.


  • The juice from 5 oranges
  • 3 kiwis


  • Remove the juice from the oranges using a juicer. Put it in the blender.
  • Peel and cut the kiwis into pieces before placing them in the blender together with the orange juice.
  • Mix until you have a homogeneous mixture.

How do you drink this drink?

  • Drink between 2 and 3 glasses  during the day.

4. Apple and papaya

Smoothie with apple and papaya

Among the delicious detoxifying drinks that help with weight loss, you can also find the combination of apple, pineapple and papaya.

Apple is a fruit that not only helps to improve digestion, but also:

  • Helps with the absorption of calcium
  • Eliminates bad breath
  • Reduces problems with hypertension
  • Regulates blood sugar levels

By mixing these ingredients, you get an excellent detox drink that not only helps to improve stomach problems, but also will  strengthen the intestinal mucosa and help maintain its proper function.


  • 1 apple
  • 3 cups pineapple (465 g)
  • 3 cups papaya (420 g)


  • Wash, peel and cut all the ingredients into small pieces.
  • Add everything to the blender and run it until you have a homogeneous liquid.

How do you drink this drink?

  • Drink two glasses a day for two weeks.

By drinking these taxing beverages, you will notice a change in your digestion and in your overall health. Remember, however, that combining these drinks with a healthy diet is what gives you the best results.

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