Preparations To Strengthen Your Immune System

You need to take care of several things to strengthen your immune system. In addition to having a good diet, you need to take probiotic supplements, exercise regularly and control your stress levels.
Preparations to strengthen your immune system

The immune system is the defense system that protects your body against diseases. It consists of a series of cells, tissues and organs that work together as a team. The most important task it has is that it defends you against external agents and infections. When your immune system is not working properly, your body cannot handle these agents. In certain situations, you may need aids to strengthen your immune system.

Problems with the immune system

Infections of blood cells

If your immune system is not working properly, it can lead to serious problems for you.

There are four different types of disorders that destroy the immune system:

  1. Autoimmune diseases. The immune system attacks itself by mistake and thinks they are foreign substances.
  2. Allergies. This process occurs when your body responds to a certain stimulus in the wrong way.
  3. Cancer of the immune system.
  4. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The number of cells in the immune system decreases as a consequence of HIV, which is extremely dangerous for your health.

Overall, it is important to have a strong immune system and a balanced body. That way, you can deal with all kinds of pathogens and prevent diseases.

Tips and advice to strengthen your immune system

Here are some natural remedies that will help you strengthen your immune system.


Garlic contains sulfur compounds, allicin and ajoene. According to several studies, these compounds eliminate bacteria and stimulate the body’s immune system.

In addition to having an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect, it also helps keep the heart healthy .

  • It is important to eat raw garlic to get all these benefits. However, it is best to chop it up and then wait a few minutes before eating it.

Sun hat

Echinacea is good for strengthening your immune system

Echinacea purpurea, sun hat or angustifolia is a plant with antibiotic properties. Overall, it is good for stimulating your immune system.

Specialists consider it an adaptogenic plant that stimulates the immune system. This means that it helps you to have good energy levels and reduces stress and fatigue.

  • We recommend that you take it for three months for it to be effective. Then take a break for 15 days and take it for another month. Take 2.5 grams per day as a dose.

Oops: children under the age of three and people with immunosuppressive therapy should not get echinacea.

Cat claw to strengthen your immune system

The most effective variety of this plant is called uncaria tomentosa .

Cat claw has many properties. The positive effect it has on the immune system is that it improves the body’s defenses.

Since it is a bitter plant, there are probably some who do not like the taste. In addition , you should not take it while you are pregnant or breastfeeding because it may change the taste and production of breast milk.


Probiotics are supplements that contain living microorganisms. They are mainly good bacteria that your body already has.

If you want to strengthen your immune system, it is very important to take probiotics. If you have enough of these microorganisms, they can help prevent bad bacteria in your body.

However, the effect they have is not permanent. Therefore , you should take them regularly.

Some foods that are rich in probiotics are:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Dark chocolate
  • Seaweed such as spirulina and chlorella
  • Miso
  • Kombucha

Exercise to strengthen your immune system

A woman who stretches her body

We all know that it is important to exercise regularly. Exercise gives you energy , helps oxygen move through your body, puts you in a good mood and helps you burn fat.

In addition , it keeps the immune system up to prevent infections.

Plants with calming effects

Remember that stress wakes your body awake. When you are more alert, you move energy to the muscles and brain and prepare the body for action. Furthermore, the immune system loses your fuel and you become more vulnerable.

You need to control your level of stress and anxiety to strengthen your immune system. You can use natural remedies, such as tea with soothing plants. For example, you can drink tea with horseradish root, lime, passion flower or hawthorn to help you relax.

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