Tips To Make Your Home Smell Fresh And Good

Flowers and homemade air fresheners are great options to make your home smell fresh and good. It is also important to ensure adequate ventilation.
Tips to make your home smell fresh and good

Sometimes you may try to clean your entire house, only to find that it still does not smell as good as you want it to. If this has happened to you, do not worry. Today we tell you about some tips that will  help you ensure that your home smells fresh and good.

1. Try deodorants


There are several interesting deodorants available today. An example is baking soda, which has an incredible capacity to absorb all kinds of odors.

Just place a small container with a little baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice in different corners of your home. Of course, you need to be careful so that you keep them out of the reach of children.

Charcoal is another good option. It is very effective when it comes to neutralizing strong odors and  places where there is a lot of moisture. For it to be effective, you need to replace it with new charcoal once in a while.

2. Water and clear vinegar

To get rid of the smell from cooking, you should mix equal parts of water and clear vinegar in a bowl.

Then add some aromatic herbs or citrus peels. Leave this in the kitchen so that it absorbs odors while cooking. This is also a good remedy for tobacco smoke and you can use it in any room.

3. Make your home smell fresh and good with oils

Lavender oil

You should try using a homemade air freshener with oils. All you need to do is pour 15 drops of lavender or lemon oil into a spray bottle filled with water, and shake to mix the ingredients well.

You can use this preparation to freshen up a corner of your house. Homemade air fresheners are a great option to use near windows, because the airflow will circulate them around and enhance the smell in your home.

4. Flowers, a natural choice

Gardenier, geranium and orchids can all be great options if you are trying to make your home smell better. Jasmine flowers also smell very good. Place them in a container of water to release their strong odor.

5. Try homemade air purifiers

An air purifier is one of the best options to get rid of all kinds of odors and contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria. They are especially useful if you have pets because they will help make your house smell fresh and good and also clean.

You can try natural vanilla scents. All you have to do is add a few drops of vanilla to a cotton ball near an air filter every six hours.

  • A homemade air freshener with a scent of pine is another option. To make this, you need to boil three pine branches, two bay leaves and a nutmeg. To preserve the aroma longer, you can cook it all over low heat.
  • Air freshener that smells like orange: To make an orange air freshener, you need to cut an orange in half, hollow it out, and fill it with coarse salt. Place this in a container so you do not spill it over and you will have a wonderful homemade air purifier.
  • Air freshener with rosemary : To make this type of air freshener, you need to cook some rosemary leaves and some lemon slices for an hour. Then  add a few drops of vanilla extract to have an environment that smells fresh and good for a few days.
  • Air freshener with dried flowers: to make this air freshener, cut up some rose petals, bay leaves, eucalyptus leaves , thyme leaves and sage leaves. Then you have to mix everything well and pour the mixture into bags. If you find that they eventually lose their odor, just add a few drops of alcohol.

6. Do not forget to ventilate your home

One of the most important things that you should definitely not forget if you are resting that your home should smell fresh and good, is ventilation. Try to ventilate your home every morning. This is an important and easy step to take.

All you need is 10 minutes to freshen up the air and  remove any bad odor that is left inside.

Make sure you have a good air flow to get the desired effect.

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