Weight Loss And Health: Broccoli, Lemon And Garlic

In addition to preventing bacteria from multiplying, these three ingredients can really help you lose weight, because they make your body burn more fat, while making you feel fuller.
Weight loss and health: Broccoli, lemon and garlic

Doing something as simple as combining broccoli, lemon and garlic can do wonders for weight loss and health,  giving you one of the most nutritious diets you will ever find.

Broccoli is usually included as a regular food for weight loss, but when you add lemon and garlic you get many more benefits. That’s why we want you to discover them all with us today.

Are you ready? They will be great for you!

The benefits of broccoli, garlic and lemon for weight loss and health

These foods can help you keep track of your weight

Broccoli, garlic and lemon all have a low calorie content . On the other hand, they have an incredible number of important vitamins and minerals that help you take care of your body and all its basic functions.

  • Broccoli is a vegetable in the cruciferous family that is rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A, C and E. It also has a very high content of fiber, which improves digestion.
  • These three foods help balance the body’s pH by removing toxins that the body does not need. This improves your overall organ function and keeps your blood from becoming too alkaline.
  • Broccoli combined with lemon contains lots of antioxidants that improve digestion and help eliminate harmful lipids and fats.
  • Garlic contains allicin, which acts as a powerful antibiotic and has good anti-inflammatory properties, for example to reduce fluid retention.
  • And do not forget that zinc found in broccoli can enhance the compounds found in garlic.

Iron helps fight anemia

Broccoli is very rich in iron. When you add vitamin C from lemons, you will promote better absorption of this mineral. This in turn will come in handy for any weight loss program: you get strength and energy for the whole day.

Broccoli, garlic and lemon: a good idea for those over 40

In addition to helping with weight loss and health, the combination of broccoli, garlic and lemon will help you deal with the onset and onset of the effects of menopause.

Broccoli has a high content of calcium and phytoestrogens, which is improved even more with garlic and lemon. This is a point in your life where you will start to need the extra “boost”.


Takes care of your immune system

When you start a diet to lose weight and reduce the number of calories you eat, you will often ignore the various proteins, minerals and vitamins that you need, without thinking about it. This is why these low calorie diets can sometimes have a negative impact on your health.

One way to lose weight in a healthy way is by adding this combination of broccoli, garlic and lemon to your diet two to three times a week. It helps to strengthen the immune system.

Broccoli, garlic and lemon for digestive health

This will get your attention: Broccoli prevents the spread of bacteria that create a number of digestive problems, such as Helicobacter pylori. Lemon helps you digest food better and absorb more nutrients. These three ingredients will definitely improve your overall health, leave you full, help you burn more fat, and give you energy to get through the day.

Recipe for broccoli, garlic and lemon for weight loss and health

3-broccoli recipe


  • 1 fresh broccoli head
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil (16 g)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel (5 g)
  • Ground pepper (to taste)
  • 1 large clove of garlic, chopped

Here’s how to do it

  • The first thing you need to do is wash the broccoli and cut it into pieces that are small enough to be suitable for eating.
  • Heat some water in a saucepan and steam the broccoli until it softens.
  • When it is as tender as you like it, you will fry it to make it good and crispy.
  • Place the broccoli on a baking sheet and brush it well with lemon juice, olive oil, chopped garlic and freshly ground pepper.
  • Because the broccoli is already cooked and all you want to do is fry it, be careful not to have it in the oven for too long. 15 minutes at most.
  • Turn the broccoli occasionally to brown it on all sides, but be careful not to burn the garlic.
  • You can also put broccoli directly into the oven and let it cook for 30 to 40 minutes, instead of steaming it first: it’s up to you.
  • When ready, sprinkle everything with a teaspoon of grated lemon zest. This will give the dish some color and increase the amount of antioxidants you will get in you. You will love it.

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