Learn To Combine Foods To Lose Weight Fast

In addition to combining healthy foods to lose weight, physical activity is essential to burn more calories and lose a few pounds.
Learn to combine foods to lose weight fast

Can you not get rid of the extra pounds even when you are on a diet? Believe it or not, there is not really bad food. All foods have nutrients; we just do not know how to combine foods to take advantage of them.

For example, if you make yourself a meal with double servings of carbohydrates, all you do is absorb more body fat. No one likes to start a diet, but the secret is to use food to help you. If you combine foods correctly, losing weight will not be a problem.

In this article, we take a look at some of the best food combinations for weight loss.

Combining foods to lose weight

Some of the best food combinations for weight loss include:

Oatmeal with blueberries

This mixture is good for breakfast: some oatmeal with blueberries.

  • This grain helps to get rid of cholesterol in the blood, which acts as a cleaning mechanism on the fat that attaches to the artery walls.
  • When it comes to blueberries, they contain large amounts of antioxidants, fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

Mix them together, and you  increase the production of leptin and ghrelin , hormones that are responsible for controlling your appetite.

Lentils and rice

Combine foods for weight loss

Combining foods like lentils and grains is an indispensable part of a good diet, especially if you want to get high quality protein. And because it is plant-based, you also get vitamins, fiber and minerals.

  • Combining lentils and rice will give your body amino acids and improve digestion.

Pasta and vegetables

Combine foods for weight loss

This may not be a very common combination for you, but if you want to say goodbye to the extra pounds, forget the myth that pasta is fat. The key is in the correct serving size.

It’s time to add pasta to your diet. The reason why? It helps with good digestion, and the nutrients are  absorbed slowly. If you combine it with vegetables, you will add fiber. In other words, you get to  control some of the excess glucose, thus preventing weight gain.

Eating it at the beginning of the day is recommended, to prevent calories from accumulating in your body.

Wholemeal bread and cheese

Combine foods for weight loss

Thanks to all the fiber and antioxidants that are in bread, you will feel good and full. It will keep you happy for up to 4 hours. In addition, if you combine these foods to lose weight with cheese, the protein will give you energy and increase your metabolism.

Fish and rice

Combine foods for weight loss

If there is one food that provides vitamins, protein and iron, it is fish. But you can eat and eat without feeling full, due to the soft texture. It is therefore a good idea to combine it  with rice, preferably brown rice, to help detoxify your body. The fiber will also help with good digestion.


  • Eat 5 small meals a day.
  • Do some physical activity.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Avoid noise.
  • Do not combine more than 2 foods from the same food group.

What combination of foods to lose weight would you start with?

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