Four Ideas For Transforming An Ordinary Wall Into A Vertical Garden

If you love greenery and nature, but you do not want more common houseplants, get some inspiration with these vertical gardens: they are true works of art!
Four ideas for transforming an ordinary wall into a vertical garden

A vertical garden can give your home a beautiful personal touch. After all, you do not have to limit plants to your backyard or garden; You can also enjoy direct contact with nature in the living room or in the kitchen.

The sky is the limit when it comes to green and nature. It is always a perfect little hook to put a potted plant in or some herbs. Plants add life to your home.

Today we will give you some ideas for creating your own vertical garden on any wall in your home. With a little creativity, it will look great.

How to make it easy and safe.

Transforming an ordinary wall into a vertical garden: it’s easy!

If you are tired of houseplants or just enjoying the garden from a distance, learn how to create a vertical garden for your home.

You can even use everyday things you have around the house, such as wooden boxes, plastic bottles or glass jars. They are easy to find, inexpensive, and able to be transformed into the foundation of your vertical garden.

Vertical garden

A vertical garden for your kitchen

One of the most convenient places to create a vertical garden is in the kitchen, anywhere where you have a small corner or nook large enough for some plants. You can even plant herbs or small fruit trees in them. Do you like salad? The only limit is your imagination. You can make the containers out of recycled materials or just buy potted plants that are ready to be mounted on the wall.

A vertical garden for the facade of your house

You can actually use the exterior walls of your house to create a vertical garden. When choosing plants, think about how much wind and sun they will get.

Also think about what materials to use, because you do not want water to seep in because of the garden. One way to prevent leakage is to use wooden pots or aluminum boxes and cover them with a waterproof tarpaulin-like material.

A vertical garden for an inner wall

If you want to give a special, colorful touch to a wall in your home, we suggest a vertical garden in the living room.

A great thing about a vertical garden is that it adds dimension and depth, as well as fun and beauty. In addition, you will improve the air quality without having to move pots around every time you clean the house.

Plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and can absorb harmful pollutants such as
formaldehyde, which are used to dye carpets and are found in floor resins.

You can also use a vertical garden as a room divider. If you have half-height walls or a column in your home, you can cover them in plants to visually separate the space.

Try using a wooden ladder ; If you lean it against the wall and put plants on the steps, you do not have to make holes in the wall.

It’s super easy!

Vertical garden

The reasons why you need plants

Green plants have a very positive effect on humans. Plants, shrubs and trees of all kinds soothe us and do us more good than we realize. It has been shown that they are good for both our mind and our body.

We work hard all day and need to rest at night  so that we can disconnect and restore our energy.

You can fight mental exhaustion if your home is set up to do so. It’s not just your bedroom that matters; Your home office or study room is also important.

Create a vertical garden in the room of the house you spend the most time in. You will see the best results for very little work. You will notice that your productivity increases and your space will look amazing.

When you make your garden vertical, you do not have to spend so much time taking care of it. Insects will also have a harder time getting to flowers, roots and soil.

As you can see, there are no limits to adding greenery to your home. Hopefully you got some inspiration today to create your own vertical garden. Now you have no excuses! Transform an ordinary wall into a work of art.

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