7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Eggplant

In addition to having diuretic properties, eggplant is rich in antioxidants that help keep cholesterol levels under control, and even improve memory and prevent premature aging. Learn more in this article!
7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Eggplant

Today we want to share seven interesting reasons why you should eat more eggplant.

Eggplant is a vegetable that is known all over the world, not only for its versatility in the kitchen, but also because it has a high concentration of nutrients that can benefit our health.

Previously, it was believed that this food was toxic and not suitable for eating, thanks to its characteristic color.

Nevertheless, over time it has been incorporated into the diet of many different populations, and its medicinal properties have also been proven later.

Eggplant is currently recommended for all types of diets, and thanks to its high content of antioxidants, it has been attributed to reductions in cancer, weight loss and anti-aging benefits.

Despite this, many people still do not know how beneficial it is to consume eggplant on a regular basis, and how it can contribute to your overall well-being.

Do not miss it!

Eating more eggplant protects your heart health

A doctor holds a heart

This vegetable has a high content of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins, whose effects on the body contribute to heart health.

The high flavonoid content is related to a reduction in the risk of developing chronic cardiovascular disease.

2. It keeps cholesterol in check

In addition to the above benefits, it is important to mention that eggplant is one of the best foods you can choose when it comes to controlling cholesterol levels.

It contains a compound known as chlorogenic acid, one of the most potent antioxidants found in plants.

This natural acid has been shown to reduce excess lipid levels in the arteries, while fighting cancer cells and exerting antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

In the same way, its vitamins and minerals improve circulatory health and prevent fat from remaining attached to the arteries.

3. It reduces the risk of cognitive illness

Brain waves

Regular consumption of eggplant has interesting benefits on both the brain and the nervous system.

Its antioxidants fight free radicals in the environment effectively, while improving memory and cognitive function.

The eggplant peel contains a substance called nasunin, whose antioxidant forces facilitate the transport of nutrients to the brain cells.

It also increases blood flow to the brain, and prevents mental disorders related to age.

Eating more eggplant fights edema

The diuretic properties of eggplant provide benefits to patients who have problems with edema and inflammation.

Eggplant water has become one of the best ways to alleviate the conditions associated with these ailments.

5. It eliminates excess v

While it may seem incredible, eggplant is one of the best foods to fight excess fat that builds up in the stomach.

Although it is not a miracle cure, eating eggplant is a good supplement for those trying to lose weight.

This benefit can be explained by the fact that it is so powerful diuretic that it helps to cleanse the body and remove waste that builds up over time.

It also stimulates liver function, which is the key to proper metabolism of fats.

In addition to this, the natural fiber enhances digestion and prolongs feelings of satiety to curb excessive calorie intake.

6. It fights premature aging

The antioxidants in eggplant have a direct effect on the protection of the body’s cells.

Regular consumption reduces the risk of several types of cancer and chronic problems associated with aging.

In addition, it reduces the early loss of collagen and elastin, leaving your skin looking young and healthy.

7. It strengthens bones and joints

Sore joints

Eating more eggplant can help reduce the risk of diseases that affect bones and joints.

  • Eggplant is a source of vitamins A, B, C and E, in addition to minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron.
  • When you add folic acid to these nutrients, you protect bone health and control inflammatory processes that lead to the development of problems such as arthritis.

As you have seen, eggplant is a complete food that offers several benefits both in the medium and long term.

Try it regularly, either through drinks or delicious recipes.

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