What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

What is generalized anxiety disorder? Learn all about this anxiety disorder, its causes, symptoms and treatment in this article.
What is generalized anxiety disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition produced by persistent hyperactivation of the systems we have to guarantee our survival. Learn more about this disorder in this article.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is natural.

In fact, it is an adaptive mechanism that prepares the body for mental and physical strength to overcome an obstacle. This is what is called the “fight or flight reaction”, or the response to acute stress.

Against a possible threat, there is a biochemical reaction in the amygdala, which is part of the central nervous system. As a result, it releases chemical messages that prepare the body to take care of the situation. The heart rate increases and the blood pressure goes up. There is more blood in the muscles and the pupils dilate. The goal of this is to meet the threat or escape from it.

Cortisol  is the hormone that prepares the body to fight or flee. This explains the physical symptoms of people with anxiety. An example of anxiety might be the following: A person encounters a wild animal, is scared and does not know how to react.

In this situation, the body develops a defense mechanism to:

  • Defend your self
  • Attack
  • Escape

All this happens without the person being aware that any mechanism is activated. In fact, this is happening so fast that we do not have time to notice the step-by-step process.

In this sense , the instinct triggers a series of physical reactions that activate one or more defense mechanisms.

Man jumps between rocks

Therefore, to put it simply: anxiety is the basis of survival. So… When does anxiety turn into something bad? Anxiety becomes somewhat negative when it is exaggerated. Why? Because then the result is not adaptive. Instead of overcoming the obstacle, anxiety becomes the obstacle. This means that anxiety derails us and that we have no control over the situation.

Why does anxiety occur? The cycle of fear

The information we obtain with our senses (with the exception of the sense of smell which goes in another direction) travels through the thalamus gland. This is a component of the central nervous system that filters stimuli.

This happens so that the brain only receives important information. Because of this , we perceive the information incorrectly and it causes anxiety. It can also amplify the threat. When this information is a threat, the brain and other areas of the nervous system send signals to the amygdala.

How does it work?

It’s about releasing norepinephrine. This is released in the locus coeruleus, a region of the brain where there are lots of noradrenergic neurons.

Amigdala sends out new signals, which quickly trigger the release of cortisol. C ortisol is the hormone that prepares the body to fight or flee. This explains the physical symptoms of anxiety.

Woman with generalized anxiety disorder sitting on a bench in the park

This hyperactivation of the amygdala triggers another problem. This changes the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for stopping fear. Because of this, the brain does not stop the feeling of fear and continues to experience the threat.

In a simple way, it is the hyperactivation of the systems that responds to the threats. Nothing can stop these reactions.

What problems arise in the long run?

You might say that the body gets used to reacting in this way. Prolonged activation of this and cortisol weakens the threshold for tolerance. This may explain why children who suffer from abuse and people who have lived in war zones experience more anxiety. After living in constant tension over the years, their bodies have become accustomed to responding in this way when faced with any threat.

What do anxiety disorders have in common?

Fear and anxiety characterize this group of conditions called anxiety disorders. This provokes hyperactivation of the body, which ends in a worsening of the individual in all areas.

While this article focuses on generalized anxiety disorder, there are many other anxiety disorders as well:

Anxiety Disorders:

  • Anxiety disorder with agoraphobia
  • Agoraphobia without anxiety
  • Anxiety disorder without agoraphobia
  • Specific phobias
  • Social phobia
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Extreme stress disorder
  • General stress disorder
  • Reactive stress disorder
  • Situational anxiety disorder
  • Special anxiety disorder

What is generalized anxiety disorder?

The following are some of the symptoms of this disorder:

  • Visible anxiety, worry and feelings of anxiety for more than 6 months, related to daily situations.
  • Palpitations, sweating, tremors and a dry mouth.
  • Feelings of drowning, difficulty swallowing, chest tightness and nausea.
  • Dizziness and instability.
  • Feelings of unreality (episodes of unreality) and feelings of being outside the body.
  • Fear of going crazy, losing control and fear of dying.
  • Muscle tension and pain.
  • Problems with concentration,  thoughts become empty, and irritability.
  • People with anxiety do not sleep well due to anxiety.

How common is this? Who influences it?

Anxiety often occurs, and generalized anxiety disorder is quite common in adults.

Anxiety and depression

Woman with anxiety

Among the various anxiety disorders, as with depression, most cases are interconnected. In addition, the link between these mental conditions and chronic physical effects is more than clear.

Another important point is treatments. In most cases, the treatment for generalized anxiety disorder is a combination of antidepressants and sedatives as well as cognitive behavioral therapy.

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