How To Get Healthy And Beautiful Eyelashes

Dermatologists say that the average lifespan of an eyelash is around five months. Then it is replaced by a new one. Whether this happens depends on some factors that we are now going to talk about. Let us know the reasons why eyelashes sometimes become weaker or stop growing out.
How to get healthy and beautiful eyelashes

Everyone wants long, healthy and beautiful eyelashes that catch the eye from a long distance. But sometimes eyelashes fall off, or they have a type of dandruff that can itch, or something else that makes them not look like we want them to.

In addition to the fact that eyelashes have an aesthetic function, eyelashes have a more important function in relation to the eye itself, which must not be forgotten. They protect the eyes from sunlight by filtering out the sun’s rays. They also prevent debris from entering the eyes. We all want to have long and beautiful eyelashes, but we must not forget that they have an important function. This means that the stronger and thicker they are, the better it is for your health. Do you want to know how to get such eyelashes?

Main causes of problems with eyelashes


Dermatologists say that the average lifespan of an eyelash is around five months. Then it is replaced by a new one. Whether this happens depends on some factors that we are now going to talk about. Let us know the reasons why eyelashes sometimes become weaker or stop growing out.

  • Unhealthy diet : Lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet can cause new eyelashes to be weak or the lashes to stop growing out. Loss of eyelashes is caused by the same as hair loss. You need to have a balanced diet that covers the need for vitamins B, A, E and H, as well as iron and magnesium. Add green vegetables to your diet, such as spinach, broccoli, as well as grains and walnuts, pistachios, almonds and salmon (which are rich in omega 3).
  • Bad makeup habits : Not removing makeup every night is a big mistake. Many people put on make-up, which leads to an accumulation of dirt. Waterproof mascara is often the worst because it is difficult to remove again. Use a good makeup remover and calm movements, and remove mascara and makeup from the inside out.
  • Use of eyelash curlers : Sometimes you are so busy putting on make-up that you forget to check what condition it is on the eyelash curler. The plastic used on these can easily be damaged, which in turn can damage the eyelashes. The plastic part of the rocker arm should be changed often.
  • Path: This is an inflammation of the eyelid. It is caused by bacteria that you can get, for example, from rubbing your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Seborrheic eczema : This happens when too much oil / fat accumulates on the eyelid. The eyelashes are thus glued together, which causes white flakes to form. This is quite common in younger people and occurs with poor diet or hormonal changes.

Recipes that give healthy and beautiful eyelashes

Nutritious smoothie for your eyelashes


Drinking a healthy and nutritious juice in the morning will not only give you healthy and beautiful eyelashes, but also strong and beautiful hair. Mix two carrots, an orange, two tablespoons of flower pollen, a tablespoon of honey, two chopped walnuts and some pine nuts. Mix until the juice looks good and drink it right away. This smoothie contains a perfect amount of vitamins and minerals.

Strengthen your eyelashes


castor oil

If you use makeup often, remember to apply invisible mascara first. This product is often sold with extra nourishing ingredients. Regardless, even if you do not use makeup on a daily basis, you should still comb your eyelashes every day with a small special brush. Put some Vaseline on the brush or some castor oil. This will improve both the growth and health of the eyelashes. But you must remember not to use too much, so that you do not damage the eyelashes or get any ailments.

Chamomile treatment


This is perfect to do in the evening and will help you keep your lashes healthy and shiny. For this treatment to work, you must always use organic chamomile and not the one sold in tea bags. All you have to do is boil one or two flowers in a cup of water. Afterwards, moisten a cotton pad with this extract and use it to wash the eyelid and eyelashes.

Blink often

According to dermatologists, it will stimulate the circulation and growth of eyelashes.

Use a good eyelash mask

Always use a mascara that contains panthenol, as it contains vitamin B5, ceramides and sunscreen. Waterproof mascara is often worse for the eyelashes because it is so much harder to remove. Do not forget to keep the eyelash curler clean, many bacteria can accumulate here.


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