Five Masks For Shiny, Shiny Hair

In this article we will tell you about the 5 best masks to get shiny, shiny hair quickly and easily.
Five masks for shiny, shiny hair

To get shiny, shiny hair , you do not need to go to a hair salon. In fact, you can make a variety of nutritious hair masks in your own home.

This may sound a bit generic. However, the goal of all hair masks is to nourish the hair follicle that protects each strand of hair. They are the ones responsible for giving the hair shine, softness and elasticity (which is usually confused with “strength”).

What is harmful to the hair?

  • Chemicals
  • Permanent
  • Bleaching
  • Excessive brushing
  • Poor diet
  • Extreme temperatures

How can we counteract the damage?

Brittle Hair

If you want healthy, moisturized, and above all strong hair, it is important to give it a breath and use the following measures:

  • Try to wash your hair only twice a week.
  • Use a shampoo that replenishes oils to compensate for lost oils, thus maintaining the protective layer needed by each strand of hair to resist external influences.
  • When washing your hair, try gently massaging the scalp for at least a few minutes to stimulate the blood vessels.
  • Do not squeeze the hair when drying it with a towel, as this will only weaken it and make it more fragile.
  • Let it dry naturally for a while before using a hair dryer.
  • Try to maintain a balanced diet and consume products that are rich in omega 3 and 6 because it helps to create shiny, shiny hair.
  • Do not wait for your hair to be damaged before nourishing it. Try to use masks often to keep it healthy and prevent excessive deterioration.
  • Avoid bleaching and permanent treatments.
  • Do not brush your hair too much.

Natural masks for shiny, shiny hair

1. Eggs

Eggs are a good source of protein as well as a natural moisturizer. For this reason, they are an excellent ingredient for shiny hair. The plum contains biotin, an element that helps hair grow.

  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (30 g)
  • Lukewarm water (30 ml)
  • First of all, crack the egg and beat it until the egg yolk and white are mixed.
  • Then put in the olive oil and stir for a few seconds.
  • Apply the mask to your hair and let it work for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with regular shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once a week for a month.

2. Banana and avocado

These two ingredients have a very high nutritional value. They have a high content of vitamins A and E, as well as minerals and healthy carbohydrates. As a result, the hair follicles are deeply moisturized, and this helps to give shiny hair quickly.

If your hair tends to be dry, you should definitely use this mask often to appreciate its benefits quickly.

  • 1 banana (with shell)
  • 1 avocado (without peel)
  • Olive oil (15 g)
  • Peel the banana and puree with the pulp. Then you paint the shell and mix it well in a bowl.
  • Add avocado and olive oil and mix all the ingredients.
  • Apply the mask evenly in the hair, from the roots to the tips.
  • After applying the mask, cover the hair with plastic wrap.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Wash with regular shampoo.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antioxidant and antiseptic properties as well as anti-inflammatory substances that balance the pH level in the skin and scalp. In other words, these properties help to balance the acids of the hair.

  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (75 ml)
  • 1/2 cup cold water (75 ml)
  • Mix vinegar and water in a container.
  • Moisten the scalp and hair with the mixture.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes and rinse without using conditioner.
  • Repeat the procedure twice a month.

4. Mayonnaise and olive oil

Mayonnaise not only acts as a moisturizer, but also reduces frizzy hair and gives shine and softness to the hair. Thus, combined with a little olive oil, it creates a very nutritious mask for shiny and shiny hair.

  • Olive oil (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise (30 g)
  • 1 egg
  • First of all, crack the egg and keep it in a bowl.
  • Then add olive oil and 2 tablespoons mayonnaise.
  • Whisk the mixture until you have a uniform cream.
  • Apply the mask on your hair from the roots to the tips.
  • Cover your hair with plastic wrap and let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse with regular shampoo.
  • Repeat this procedure three times a month for best results.

5. Tomato and cornmeal

Tomato and cornmeal

Tomatoes are a fruit that contains lycopene, a substance that prevents oxides from forming in the hair. However, they also contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that nourish it.

  • 1 tomato
  • 2 tablespoons cornmeal (30g)
  • First put the tomato in a container and crush it with a fork.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of cornmeal to the mashed tomato until the two ingredients mix well.
  • Spread the mask through the entire hair and let it work for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with water and regular shampoo.

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