5 Reasons Why Magnesium Helps Improve Your Mental Capacity

Did you know that magnesium can help improve your mental capacity? Not only that, but it can also help your body cope with stress.
5 Reasons Why Magnesium Helps Improve Your Mental Capacity

Magnesium is the important nutrient that everyone is talking about. Did you know, for example, that it can help improve your mental capacity? This multi-purpose mineral seems to be the key to our well-being.

This is not an exaggeration given that magnesium has an irreplaceable significance in the vast majority of human biochemical reactions in the human body. Thanks to this mineral, your body performs 300 enzymatic processes, including something special: energy production.

Now, what if we told you that this mineral is also the key to your mental well-being?

This is without a doubt an interesting piece of information that is really worth mentioning: patients with major depression, for example, have particularly benefited from magnesium-based supplements. Even those who suffer from anxiety disorders, mood disorders, seizures, ataxia or psychosis episodes have seen that their quality of life increases to the point where they increase the likelihood of recreation.

In this article we will explain how magnesium is able to improve your mental health. And how it even increases your well-being and your mental capacity.

Improve your mental capacity with magnesium

Magnesium improves your memory

key to memory

Something we read very often is that half of the population in industrialized countries does not eat the least necessary amount of magnesium.

  • This deficit is significant when we reach the middle of life. During this stage of life, many of our cognitive functions begin to become less acute.
  • Something interesting that is good to keep in mind is that magnesium makes synapses located in the hippocampus stronger. This is the part of your brain that helps you store memories in your long-term memory.
  • At the same time, this mineral performs an important function in the prefrontal cortex.
  • Thanks to magnesium, your brain can remember these memories that are stored in your short-term memory, (like where I left my key, turn off the stove, buy something important…).

Magnesium also strengthens the synaptic nerve endings that are responsible for transmitting and consolidating information, memory and data, among others.

2. Magnesium increases your learning capacity

Many of us may think that the ability to learn is lost over time.

It is clear that your learning potential is not equal to a 3-year-old child when you are 70 years old. But we need to see our brain as it really is: it is an organ with an incredible capacity.

  • Its plasticity, the possibilities of making new connections, never stops. In other words, if we train it and take care of it as a muscle, we guarantee that it will age in good condition.
  • One way to do this is to eat magnesium supplements.
  • Thanks to this mineral, we can make it easier for nerve cells to communicate. We also create our memories, mood and reception of new information better.

3. It helps you reduce stress

Woman concentrating

When we suffer from stress, the body has an excess of cortisol in the blood. This excess of cortisol damages a very specific brain structure: the hippocampus. This damage causes us to lose memory. It makes it difficult for us to concentrate, and it intensifies your negative emotions.

Now it is interesting to know that magnesium also acts on our hormones to reduce cortisol and control the stress response. At the same time, magnesium can act as a blood-brain barrier. In other words , it prevents stress hormones from entering your brain. This is without a doubt something fantastic.

Magnesium can prevent Alzheimer’s

Magnesium in itself does not prevent anyone from developing Alzheimer’s disease at all times.

  • However, it can act as a protector that reduces the risk of development by an interesting amount.
  • What this mineral does, for example, is prevent the accumulation of amyloid plaque in the hippocampus of the brain.
  • It also reduces the presence of this plaque in the frontal cortex.

Without a doubt, this is interesting data. It encourages us to improve our diet to cover any deficiencies associated with this mineral.

5. Magnesium reduces anxiety and allows you to be more “centered” to improve your mental capacity


We have all gone through certain times where our brains seem to go much faster than the time itself. We feel accelerated and every stimulus, every event that “breaks out” towards us causes us to lose control.

  • Everything passes us by, we feel nervousness, insomnia and a great overwhelming feeling.
  • These periods of anxiety can be prevented by managing our daily lives better. They can also be prevented by taking care of our magnesium levels.
  • We can not forget that magnesium is the most important ingredient in our cells. This is because it acts as a “fuel” for any biological process that takes place.
  • The organ that needs the most energy is your brain. It needs high doses of magnesium.
  • To improve our condition if we suffer from an intense period of anxiety, there is nothing better than eating a “magnesium diet”.
  • In other words, we need to eat foods that are rich in this mineral. And we need to consult a doctor to see if it is a good idea to take supplements and recommended doses.

Little by little, over the course of a few weeks, you will notice that your nerves get better. Muscle tension will be reduced and your mental capacity will be improved. In addition, you will be much more focused on the here and now…

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