6 Mistakes That Prevent You From Gaining More Muscle Mass

A poor diet may be behind the lack of an increase in your muscle mass. Exercise is important, but diet is even more important.
6 mistakes that prevent you from gaining more muscle mass

Increasing the amount of muscle mass is a long and tedious process that requires a lot of effort; physical effort as well as dietary discipline.

Although due to genetic factors it is easier for someone to achieve their goals, strict plans are always required that change the lifestyle.

Nevertheless, more and more people are making the decision to do this, not only because it improves the figure 100%, but also because it increases physical strength.

Even if people succeed, they make mistakes during the process that affect the results.

Mistakes that prevent you from gaining more muscle mass

1. Long and repetitive conditioning exercises


All exercise routines tend to include cardio. However, to gain muscle mass, these are not the most effective.

  • First, it is important to know that this type of exercise does not activate the muscle fibers. These are the ones that help shape the body.
  • In addition, if the training is repetitive, the body begins to adapt and the benefits diminish over time.
  • The idea is to design a plan with short and demanding cardiovascular exercises, with short rest periods.

2. Not to combine exercises

There is no doubt that any form of physical exercise provides interesting benefits for the body. However, when the focus is on increasing muscle mass, the best option is to choose activities that help us reach our goal.

A very common mistake is to do isolated exercises instead of combining them. This means that for better results it is  preferable to perform exercises that work with two or more muscles at the same time.


  • Bench press
  • Roing
  • Squat
  • Pull-ups

A poor diet can prevent increased muscle mass

Poor diet

Thousands of people have a good exercise routine, but can not see what the diet has to do with it.

The thing is that, without exaggerating, the physical results depend on 70% of the diet and 30% of exercise.

This means that no matter how much you exercise and lift weights, you will not see results if you do not have a healthy diet.

  • If you want to increase muscle mass, it is essential to include protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.
  • Experts recommend that you eat a protein supplement immediately after exercise. This will increase the synthesis of nutrients and you will achieve better results.
  • If you are overweight, the best plan is to lose body fat before trying to increase muscle mass.
  • Visit a nutritionist to learn how to eat according to your goals and necessities.

4. Not being consistent with your training

While it is obvious that being consistent is one of the keys to achieving good results, it is important to mention that  some people believe that they can succeed with little effort.

  • If the training is not frequent, the stimulus we give to the muscles is not sufficient for them to grow.
  • The training does not have to be excessive, since we should have time to recover to avoid injuries.

5. Your lifestyle does not help you gain muscle mass

Your lifestyle can prevent you from gaining muscle mass

Our body responds to the stimulus it receives throughout the day. It is not good for us to limit our efforts when it comes to workouts in the gym.

It is important to look at the habits we have in life and identify the habits that can interfere with our goals.

Some of the habits you should avoid are:

  • Sugary drinks instead of water
  • Less than 7 hours of sleep per night
  • Using alcohol and tobacco
  • Drinking too many energy drinks

6. The training you chose is not for you

There are hundreds of routines on the internet that can be just as useful at home as they are in the gym.

Nevertheless, these are not always the most recommended, as they are not tailored to each person’s needs.

If you train hard and do not get results, it is most likely that the routine you chose is not for you.

  • Get an assessment with a good trainer to learn how to train according to your needs and your lifestyle.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these errors? If so, and you continue without seeing results, adjust your training routine. You can also look at your diet and correct all the things that seem to affect you.

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