6 Good Habits That Reduce The Risk Of Dementia

Did you know that healthy relationships are essential for preventing dementia and reducing its effects? To maintain your network of friends and increase the benefits, try doing some form of physical activity together.
6 good habits that reduce the risk of dementia

Dementia is a progressive disease that causes a dramatic deterioration in brain function. Read how to reduce the risk of dementia in this article

When it occurs, it affects your ability to create memories and thoughts. It can even change your normal brain chemistry functions.

In many cases, it has to do with genetic problems and age-specific changes. However, dementia can also occur as a result of other disorders.

Although there have been some medical techniques developed to deal with it, this continues to create some of the most serious addiction problems among the elderly.

Because of this, many experts have recommended a series of exercises with effects on the brain that can help reduce the risk of suffering from this disorder.

Today we will share the six most important with you in detail so you can start practicing them every day.

Get physical activity

Physical activity

Getting exercise is the most effective preventative measure you can take to reduce the risk of dementia and other cognitive problems that arise with age.

This is due to the benefits it has on the circulation and your cardiovascular health, which is crucial for optimizing brain function.


  • Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.
  • Design a training plan that combines cardiovascular training with strength training.

2. Quit smoking to reduce the risk of dementia

People who smoke or are constantly exposed to cigarette smoke have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia that can significantly reduce your quality of life.

Quitting smoking and adopting a complete detoxification plan can be crucial to avoiding the serious consequences.


  • If you are involved with a group of people who smoke, try to adopt some habits to quit this bad habit before it affects your health. This can involve creating a collective group movement to unite. After all, it’s healthier for everyone!
  • To quit smoking, drink tea for anxiety and keep your mind busy with other things.

3. Read every day

Read books

The habit of reading is one of the best ways to exercise and strengthen your brain to prevent the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.

As you read, some important memory functions are activated, which enhances your creativity and other cognitive abilities.


  • Read articles that you find interesting in your spare time.
  • Start reading a book that gets your attention.
  • Try to read a little every night before you fall asleep.

4. Do activities that challenge your brain

Activities that challenge your brain are a great way to strengthen your memory, thinking and other important functions.

Solving math problems, working through a puzzle, and doing other thinking exercises can reduce the risk of dementia and memory loss in adulthood.


  • Solve crossword puzzles, Sudoku or any strategy game.
  • Work your way through some math problems.
  • Learn a new language.
  • Write without lifting your pen or pencil.

5. Adopt a healthy diet

Healthy diet

Food plays a very important role in the health of your brain. Believe it or not,  the nutrients you get through your diet can help determine how well your brain works.

Eating healthy foods rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients helps maintain good cellular oxygen levels and continuously regenerates your cells.

However, foods rich in saturated fats, sugars and other industrial additives can speed up the loss of cognitive functions.


  • Design a calorie-controlled diet plan that includes lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Increase your daily intake of water and other healthy drinks.
  • Do not forget to increase your intake of healthy sources of essential amino acids and complex carbohydrates.
  • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Avoid commercial or very salty foods.

6. Enjoy your social activities

Social relationships continuously stimulate brain activity and provide feelings of well-being, both of which help reduce the risk of dementia as one gets older.

Maintaining a group of relatives and friends that you regularly meet and talk to helps improve your memory and also prevents feelings of loneliness and depression.


  • Spend your free time with your closest friends.
  • Make fun plans with friends and family.
  • Create healthy bonds when you feel sad or depressed.

All of these habits can be a great support system to keep your brain active and strong despite the passage of time. Try to include them in your daily life to reduce the risk of dementia and you will feel the difference!

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