Healthy Weight Loss With Green Tea, Is That Really True?

Healthy weight loss with green tea, is that really true?

Green tea. We love it. Few things are more satisfying than coming home and pouring a cup of green tea into your favorite mug. Some people drink it simply for pleasure. But there are millions of people who also drink it for the good health benefits. Where one of the most popular of them is its ability to promote healthy weight loss with green tea.

But is there really any truth in what they say? Can you trust the claim that you want to promote healthy weight loss with green tea? Let’s find out more today.

Healthy weight loss with green tea

When trying to lose weight you should do so in the healthiest way possible. You already know that there are extreme diets that limit the intake of proteins, carbohydrates and all types of fats, even if your body needs a balance of all of these.

Instead, you need to have a diet that provides you with proteins and essential fatty acids to allow your body to perform its natural functions. You must have a healthy weight loss with green tea, by having an active lifestyle and taking advantage of the benefits that nature gives us.

So is it true that this ancient drink can help you eliminate the extra pounds? Of course it is true, but it should be seen as a supplement to a healthy and balanced diet. It will not work miracles by itself if you continue to make unhealthy food choices.

Let’s find out how you can get a healthy weight loss with green tea.

1. It is a powerful antioxidant

  • Green tea is a powerful natural antioxidant that is able to delay the process of premature aging and protect you from a variety of diseases, thanks to its high content of polyphenols. But it is important to remember that  white tea is actually the most powerful tea for antioxidants in the world, so it is much better than green tea.

2. It speeds up the metabolism

  • One of the most important benefits of green tea is that it helps speed up your metabolism so that you burn more fat. Catechins in green tea cause the body to enter thermogenesis, the process by which it produces energy from the extra pounds.
  • Do not forget that it will also weaken your appetite a bit, which means that you will eat less and that you will get from meal to meal without eating snacks between them.
  • Another interesting thing is that this ancient drink helps prevent your insulin levels from rising, and it also keeps lipids from entering the cells. All of this will gradually reduce your levels of body fat.

3. It is a wonderful diuretic and stimulating for the liver

  • Green tea is great for detoxifying your body, in that it eliminates harmful products that build up in the blood and intestines. It helps to remove saturated fat through the urine, along with other substances that create inflammation and make you feel bloated…
  • In addition, green tea is great for stimulating and repairing the pancreas and liver. It promotes their optimal function, and thanks to its high levels of antioxidants, it also helps protect them from harm.

How to promote healthy weight loss with green tea?

green tea


To achieve healthy weight loss with green tea, you need to drink three cups a day.

2. Drink the first cup on an empty stomach and add the juice of half a lemon.

The second cup should be drunk 20 minutes after your main meal of the day. This improves digestion and nutrient uptake, and keeps you full until the next meal. We should also remind you to never add white sugar to green tea. It is best if you do not add any kind of sweetener. But if you think it is very bitter, you can add a teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).

4. After dinner, drink your last cup of green tea. Try to do this for at least half an hour before going to bed. Why? Your body needs time to digest it before you fall asleep.

You will be able to start noticing results after about two months, but you must also remember to limit the following foods from your diet:

  • Soft drinks and sweet drinks
  • Cakes and desserts
  • Red meat
  • Refined wheat flour
  • Sausages
  • Dairy products with whipped cream

6. Common warnings about green tea

  • You should be careful when drinking green tea regularly if you have high blood pressure (do not forget that it contains caffeine).
  • Also remember that drinking green tea between meals will prevent the proper absorption of iron and calcium, so be careful to wait at least 20 minutes after eating until you drink your cup of tea.
  • Finally, never exceed the recommended three cups of green tea a day, because then it can be a stimulant that is too dangerous.


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