Five Symptoms Of Aging Of The Neck And How To Reverse Them

When it comes to skin care and looking more beautiful, you should not just focus on your face. It is also necessary to pay attention to the symptoms of aging in the area below the chin.
Five symptoms of aging of the throat and how to reverse them

The neck is a body part that is very exposed to the sun. In addition, it has thinner skin than the face, so it is especially prone to problems such as wrinkles and loose skin. Discover Five Symptoms Of Throat Aging In This Article!

Fortunately, you can take some preventative measures to combat the symptoms of aging on the neck. In this article you will learn more about them.

Stay tuned and discover how you should fight them.

Loss of elasticity

Symptoms of aging

The first symptom of aging on your neck is loss of skin and muscle elasticity around your neck. It is common for this problem to become more noticeable over the years. However, you do not have to accept it as part of your life.

Stretching exercises can make remarkable changes. These exercises involve stretching and relaxing the facial tissue and underlying muscles to activate the cells around the neck.

By doing this, we activate collagen production, and the end result is tighter skin with fewer signs of aging.

2. Aging on the neck: Loose skin under the chin

A person stretching the double chin

As we age, we produce less collagen, so that the skin becomes less firm, our ability to retain water is reduced and we produce less estrogen.

All this has an effect on cell activity and leads to loose skin under the chin.

To avoid this problem it is necessary to use sunscreen. Use the same products that you use on your face to fight aging on the rest of your body.

If you are not using anything right now, it is recommended to use a cream that contains collagen. Remember that if you do not have any problems because you are still very young, this is a good time to start taking preventative measures.

3. Horizontal lines are a symptom of aging on the neck

Horizontal lines on the neck

Horizontal lines are actually wrinkles. They occur as we get older due to loss of strength and elasticity in the skin.

Horizontal wrinkles occur as a result of reduced collagen production in the skin combined with prolonged exposure to the sun. Unfortunately, these wrinkles can be aggravated due to tobacco and lack of moisture.

  • To reverse this symptom of aging on your neck, try to keep your chin raised. But that does not mean you should put yourself in an uncomfortable position that causes discomfort in your neck or back.
  • Actually, all you need to do is keep your spine straight and your face up. This will also help your spine stay healthier.

4. Vertical lines

Furthermore, vertical lines are another symptom of aging on the neck and are usually caused by poor sleeping positions. Poor posture leads to folds in the skin where the neck comes in contact with the pillow.

  • To avoid wrinkles that form while you sleep, you should rest on your back. Avoid turning your head to the sides.

It is impossible to control the movement of the head while sleeping. Therefore, you can use a pillow that holds your neck in the same position.

If the problem is very serious or you feel too uncomfortable with vertical wrinkles, there is always the option of taking some restylane. Just remember that if you choose this procedure, you should look for an experienced and reliable professional.

5. Poikiloderma

A woman stretching her neck

Poikiloderma is a reddish or brown discoloration on the sides of the neck that results from prolonged sun damage. Sun exposure without protection damages the surface blood vessels, breaks the capillaries and creates areas of redness.

There is no specific treatment for poikiloderma. Instead, apply sunscreen every day, even if it is cold or cloudy.

If discoloration has already appeared, you can use natural remedies and commercial products that help lighten the skin.

One option is the following mask:


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (3 g)
  • 1 teaspoon rice powder (3 g)
  • One tablespoon of coconut milk (15 ml)

What should you do?

  • Mix the three ingredients.
  • Wash the neck area and dry it.
  • Apply the paste on the neck and let it work for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse and dry well.

To finish, apply a collagen cream or the contents of a collagen capsule on your skin. The latter will help you fight other aging symptoms on the neck.

General tips to reduce the symptoms of aging of the throat

When it comes to maintaining your beauty, there are few secrets. Everything is based on healthy habits:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Use a sunscreen with a sun factor of 15 or more a day.
  • Add a collagen moisturizer to your daily beauty routine.

Do not forget to treat your neck the same way you would treat your face. Good care will help to improve the appearance and condition of the skin, reduce wrinkles and make you look and feel younger.

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