Three Effective Diets To Lose Weight

In order to lose weight, it is important that you prepare mentally and understand that a healthy and effective diet will not have immediate results – it takes time. 
Three effective diets to lose weight

In this article, we will show you three effective diets that will reduce your weight while maintaining a healthy, balanced and progressive diet. Read on to find out more!

Unfortunately, there is no miracle diet, and it can be harmful for both body and mind to go on a diet with an attitude and expectation to lose weight immediately. In addition to being harmful to health, this can also make the body “immune” to dieting.

Effective diets for weight loss that really work

If you want to follow a diet that is healthy and effective, you can just forget about starving yourself, be obsessed with calories, sacrifice everything you think is good, etc. You will also have to give up the belief of seeing amazing results in just a few days. 

Effective diets that really work are progress-friendly, allow you to gradually lose weight while gaining more energy and excess, and improve both health and mood. You will also be smaller in a more proportionate way.

diets that work

The key to three effective diets lies in the way you eat. We offer you various options that will let you see some small improvements in a few days. With patience and perseverance, they will help you reach your ideal weight and stay there, without having to sacrifice everything you enjoy.

1. The low carb diet

Many nutritionists recommend reducing carbohydrates as they are converted into fat if they are not used as energy for the body. In addition, we get in us too many carbohydrates that are refined and often of poor quality.

This diet will completely eliminate white flour and foods made from it (bread, pasta, biscuits, etc.). You will also need to avoid whole grain foods, as these are often made from white flour and added bran, and thus this will contribute to weight gain.

However, you can eat small amounts of some types of whole grains:

  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Quinoa
  • Millet

You can eat small portions of these for breakfast and lunch, but never for dinner.

In return , you need to increase your intake of protein and fat, although this may seem strange to some. Always choose natural, untreated products that are of high quality and easy to digest.

For proteins, try:

  • White meat, preferably organic
  • Fish
  • East
  • Egg
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts (only a handful per day) and seeds

When it comes to fats, you can incorporate:

  • Vegetable oils such as olives, flaxseed, coconut, wheat germ, or sesame oils
  • Avocado
  • Nuts (again, only a handful per day) and seeds

2. The careful dinner diet

healthy foods

This diet incorporates balanced meals in everyday life, but has a  special focus on dinner, because this is often the last meal of the day and thus is one of the main reasons for the development of overweight and obesity.

During the day, you should eat in moderation, without overdoing certain foods or meals. You should also include small snacks. Try to be strict on the following:

  • Always eat dinner before 8 o’clock in the evening. If you notice that you are hungry after this time, try drinking tea or eating an apple before going to bed.
  • Your dinner should always consist of some vegetables ( salad, grilled vegetables, soup or gazpacho) and a light serving of proteins (fish, lean meat or eggs) that are grilled or fried. For dessert you can try for example baked apples or pears.

If you follow this simple pattern, you will soon notice that you gradually lose weight. This is because your body eliminates more toxins during the night. However, this function is hindered if you eat too much for dinner and your body ends up having to digest the food while you sleep.

3. Effective diets – The portion control diet

grilled fish

Last but not least, we will present the portion control diet, which is based on the simple fact that when you eat too much, you gain weight. You will still be able to enjoy goodies, as long as you moderate your intake and only eat it at the right times during the day.

In most cases, this diet is a challenge for those who force- eat or who eat when they are anxious. On the other hand, it is very suitable for those who manage to control the amount they eat.

You can eat up to five meals a day, but it is important that you never eat until you are completely full. Stop eating while you still feel like you could cook a little more, like a dessert for example, but you also feel satisfied and are not hungry.

One way to avoid the urge to overeat is by drinking a digestive tea, which will give you the feeling of satiety you need.

At the beginning of this diet, you should always only put on the plate what you are going to eat that meal. Because you have decided on the portion in advance, this will prevent you from eating more than you really need.

It is important that you build an understanding that food is about relieving hunger. When you chew your food properly, you will notice that your body does not actually need such an incredible amount of food. You will also digest and absorb nutrients better in this way.

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