Discover 3 Natural Remedies For Dry Hair

These great natural remedies for dry hair can help combat frizz and prevent split ends. Learn all about them in this article!
Discover 3 natural remedies for dry hair

Are you looking for something that helps with dry hair? It is perhaps one of the most uncomfortable hair types. It’s not very nice, given how it can change enormously, depending on the climate.

This type of hair stands out for lack of moisture. This affects not only the appearance but also the health of the hair in general.

This type of hair tends to be identified on the basis of the following aspects:

  • Thick and difficult to control
  • Excessively noisy
  • Worn ends
  • Very rough
  • Skirts by nature

Despite this, not all people with this type of hair suffer in the same way. That is:  These characteristics vary depending on each individual  and certain conditions, both internal and external.

Factors affecting dry hair


First, let’s take a look at the internal factors. These  come from the body  and can affect the breakdown of hair.

When we say internal factors, we are referring to the person’s  physiological and medical deficiencies. The most relevant of these are:

  • Iron deficits
  • Hormonal instability
  • Hyperthyroidism (high metabolism)
  • Calcium problems

On the other hand, external factors are a little more complex to control, especially if one thinks about the medical processes that someone with these deficiencies may undergo.

When it comes to external factors, the ones that most affect dry hair are the following:

  • Highly polluted air
  • Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun
  • Cigarette smoke or other types of items
  • The effect of free radicals

Can the condition of dry hair be improved?

Fortunately, there are many options to improve the condition of dry hair. It is  not necessary to turn to products that are full of excessive amounts of chemicals,  which in the long run do more harm than good.

Instead, try some of these natural remedies for dry hair. You will love them!

1. Mayonnaise against dry hair


Despite the fact that it usually stands out for its gastronomic uses, mayonnaise has proven to be very useful in dealing with dry hair. It helps to treat dry, dull hair and helps to revitalize it.

  • 1 cup mayonnaise (235 g)
  • While the hair is wet, apply the mayonnaise throughout the hair using  circular massages.
  • Then cover your hair with a plastic cap and  let it work for an hour.
  • After this time, rinse with warm water and wash with shampoo.

2. Avocado for dry hair

Avocado is one of the healthiest natural products in the world. This is because of the endless benefits it offers both gastronomically and for cosmetics. Avocados are rich in vitamins A and E, as well as saturated fat. This is why  it can be a great ally to fight dry hair.

  • 1 avocado (preferably ripe)
  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil (15 g)
  • First, peel and mash the avocado.
  • Put the mashed pulp in a bowl, add the oils and mix everything well.
  • Once you have a lump-free hair mask, proceed by applying it to your hair.
  • It is  best that your hair is freshly washed  to achieve the best results.
  • Once the mask is applied,  let it work for at least 30 minutes.
  • After this time, wash it off with plenty of warm water.

3. Honey for dry hair


It would be a serious mistake to talk about home products for our hair health without including honey. Despite its viscous and sticky structure, it helps  retain moisture in the hair and provides softness and nutrition.

  • 1/2 a cup of honey (167 g)
  • First, it is necessary to wash all your hair.
  • Apply the honey and massage it into all the hair to achieve effective penetration.
  • Let it work for  30 minutes.
  • After this time,  rinse with plenty of lukewarm water to get rid of the rest  of the honey.

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