12 Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Remember that regular exercise can help you feel better thanks to the production of endorphins. You will gain more self-confidence and better health.

If you regularly struggle with anxiety problems, then this article may be of interest to you. There are many safe and natural remedies for anxiety, from mind and body techniques to supplements or teas that can soothe you. Some natural remedies for anxiety can work immediately, while others can help reduce anxiety in the long run. Below you will find 12 natural remedies for anxiety.


If you experience periods of nervousness, a cup of chamomile tea can help calm you down. Some compounds in chamomile interact with brain receptors in the same way as other drugs, such as Valium, but to a lesser extent.

According to a study at the University of Pennsylvania, where patients with anxiety disorders took chamomile supplements for eight weeks, they experienced a significant reduction in symptoms compared to patients who took only one sugar pill.

2. Green tea

green tea

Research has shown that green tea helps control heart rate and regulate blood pressure. Some studies claim that it reduces anxiety. In one study, subjects with anxiety became calmer and more focused after drinking green tea.

3. Hops

Yes, hops are found in beer, but you will not get the soothing feeling by drinking beer. The sedative found in hops is a volatile oil, found only in extracts and tinctures and used in aromatherapy. Hops are often used as a sedative to help promote drowsiness and sleep.

4. Legevendelrot


Legendel root is a soothing herb. It is a great aid for sleep, and for treating insomnia. It has in fact been approved by the German government in treatment for sleep disorders. Legendel root smells unpleasant so most people prefer to take it in the form of capsules. It is often combined with other soothing herbs such as hops, chamomile and lemon balm.

5. Exercise among remedies for anxiety

Exercise is safe and good for the mind. It helps with the treatment of anxiety and depression, both in the short and long term. If you exercise regularly, you will improve your self-confidence and feel healthier. One of the main causes of anxiety is concern about illness and health, which disappears when you stay in good physical shape.

6. Passion flower

passion flower

This flower is soothing and can treat nervousness and anxiety. Studies have found that it can reduce anxiety symptoms as effectively as prescription drugs. The flower is often used in the treatment of insomnia. Like other sedatives, it can cause fatigue. Be careful with the use of several sedative herbs and remedies for anxiety at the same time, and do not use these for more than a month.

7. Lavender

The strong scent of lavender can be anti-inflammatory. Studies have found that patients waiting for the dentist were less anxious when the waiting room was perfumed with lavender oil. Another study, in Florida, has shown that students who inhaled the scent of lavender before graduation felt less anxious.

A study in Germany claims that a specially made lavender pill reduced anxiety symptoms as well as Lorazepam, in people with anxiety disorders.

8. Long, deep breaths

Deep breathing has effectively reduced stress and anxiety. When you do not breathe deeply enough, you may feel anxious. To take a deep breath, exhale well through your mouth, then inhale through almost as you count to four. Hold your breath as you count to seven. Slowly let it out through your mouth as you count to eight. Repeat this at least twice daily and use it as one of your remedies for anxiety.

9. Eat if you are hungry


We humans usually tend to be more anxious and irritable when we are hungry. If you have an anxiety attack, it may mean that your blood sugar level drops. It is best to have a small snack, such as a handful of nuts or a piece of dark chocolate with a glass of water or a cup of hot tea.

In the long run, a good diet is the key to remedies for anxiety. You should avoid processed foods. A diet based on vegetables with some meat and seafood, green leafy vegetables (such as kale) for folic acid and a variety of phytochemicals (natural chemicals found in a plant-based diet), will help reduce anxiety.

10. Breakfast

Many people with anxiety disorders skip breakfast. Ideally, you should eat eggs for breakfast. Eggs contain proteins and are a natural source of choline. Low choline levels are associated with increased anxiety.

11. Omega 3

Fish oil is good for the heart, but can also help reduce anxiety. One study shows that students who took 2.5 mg of omega 3 fatty acids per day for 12 weeks had less anxiety before exams than students who took a sugar pill.

Experts recommend getting as much omega 3 as possible through food. Cold-water fish such as salmon are the best source of these fatty acids. Anchovies and sardines also contain large amounts of omega 3.

12. Warm up the body

Have you ever wondered why you feel so relaxed after being in the sauna or after a steam bath? Warming up the body helps reduce muscle tension and anxiety. The feeling of heat can change neural circuits that control the mood, including those that affect the neurotransmitter serotonin (the basic neurotransmitter that maintains emotional balance). A warm body is probably one of the reasons why exercise improves mood.

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