5 Tips To Get Rid Of A Kink

Kink can be very painful, but with proper care it is possible to get rid of it in a natural way and relieve the symptoms quickly.
5 tips to get rid of a kink

Today we are going to give you 5 tips to get rid of a kink. A kink is an involuntary muscle contraction of one or more muscles in any part of the body, usually located in:

  • Neck
  • The shoulders
  • The lumbar  region, at kidney height
  • The dorsal zone, at shoulder blade height

It ends up causing a lack of mobility in the affected areas, and discomfort and pain for those who suffer from it.

But getting rid of kink is an easy job if you know the methods to do so.

If you were looking for a way to quickly and effectively get rid of kink, you will find more than one answer in this article. Do not miss it!

What is a kink?

Back pain

A kink, or contraction, is also known as a muscle knot.

This contraction restricts blood circulation so that the blood does not reach the muscle cells. Thus, toxins accumulate in the area. When these toxins accumulate inside the muscles, nerve endings send the signals to the brain and cause discomfort and pain.

The only way to relieve this pain is to reverse the contraction so that the blood can flow normally again.

What are the causes of a kink?

A kink can appear for many reasons, such as:

  • If we force or push the muscle more than it can handle
  • If we make too much effort when the muscle is impaired
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • If we stay in a repetitive or forced position for a long time
  • Sudden stretching
  • Cold
  • A bad diet
  • If we do not drink enough water
  • Stress or anxiety

How can you get rid of a kink?

muscle knots

1. Do not squeeze the muscle

The first thing you should do when you have a kink is to avoid forcing the muscle or the affected area. Try to keep it as quiet as possible to avoid causing more damage.

2. Shower with hot water

Shower with hot water

Showering with hot water is very useful when it comes to healing a kink as it helps to:

  • Reduce pain
  • Make your muscles relax
  • Improve blood circulation

To relieve kink quickly, we recommend that you keep the affected area under warm water for between 5 and 10 minutes, twice a day.

3. Rosemary and clay

Rosemary not only contains anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, but it also helps to increase blood circulation. Clay, on the other hand, is excellent at relieving muscle pain.

Both ingredients work perfectly when it comes to relieving and getting rid of a kink.

  • 4 tablespoons rosemary (50 grams)
  • 200 grams of white clay
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • Put the water and rosemary in a saucepan.
  • Turn on the hob and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Pour the liquid with rosemary into a plastic container.
  • Add the clay and mix well until there are no lumps.
  • Leave it for at least 2 hours.
How to use it
  • Apply the mixture directly on the affected area.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat twice a day.

For the greatest benefits, we recommend that you apply a natural oil to the area after removing the mixture.


Woman stretching out

Stretching is crucial when we suffer from kink since it helps the muscles return to normal.

Remember not to squeeze the muscles too much, otherwise you will end up causing even more damage. Be careful.

5. Sunflower ointment

Sunflower contains anti-inflammatory agents and analgesic properties that make it perfect for relieving pain and inflammation that can occur in the muscles.

Apply a sunflower gel or ointment directly to the affected area using gentle and circular massaging movements to relax the muscles.

We recommend that you use the ointment after showering, 3 or 4 times a day.

How can you avoid kink?

To avoid kink, we recommend that you:

  • Avoid excessive force or pushing your muscles too hard, as they have limits.
  • Do not try to force anything if your muscles are weakened or resting.
  • Train often.
  • Have a good attitude.
  • Stretch your body every time you feel it is necessary to avoid sudden stretches.
  • Take care of yourself when it’s cold.
  • Have a balanced diet.
  • Drink enough water.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to relieve the symptoms and quickly get rid of the kink.

However, if you do not notice any improvement, you should talk to a qualified physiotherapist so that they can treat the kink.

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