Simple Sugars: What Is The Function Of Glucose?

Glucose is one of the simple sugars that allows the body’s cells to perform all their functions, such as multiplying. However, an excess of glucose can lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes when it accumulates in the blood.
Simple sugars: What is the function of glucose?

Everyone has heard of glucose, one of the most important simple sugars, even if it is only related to diabetes. However, very few are familiar with the characteristics of this molecule and its role in the human body. Read more about simple sugars in this article!

Glucose is the most important source of energy for the body’s cells. That is, this nutrient provides the body with the energy it needs to perform all its functions. This simple sugar occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables, but it also occurs as part of larger molecules or polysaccharides. The best known are starch and glycogen, usually present in rice, meat and so on.

Glucose is part of all the processes in the metabolism of the human body. In today’s article we explain what the function is as well as the common problems around it.

Simple sugars: Glucose

Blood glucose meter and fruit.

As we mentioned above , glucose is a nutrient we get through food. The digestive process converts food into glucose to maintain all the cells in our body.

When we eat, the nutrients enter the bloodstream and reach the liver, regardless of whether they are fatty acids, proteins or carbohydrates. This body has a number of complex procedures, and they convert said nutrients into glucose. Then the glucose moves into the blood and from there it enters all parts of the body.

Each cell uses this molecule as energy. They do this through a series of reactions – the basis of our metabolism. Thus, this simple sugar participates in cell production, tissue repair, muscle movement, nerve function, etc.

What health problems stem from glucose?

As we said earlier, humans cannot live without glucose. There are actually many diseases related to this drug in one way or another.

Diabetes is an example of this. This is a disease in which the body cannot produce insulin or has developed resistance to it. Insulin is the substance that allows glucose to pass into the cells. It is simply a “key” to accessing them. When our body is unable to produce it or uses it faster than it should, much of the glucose remains in the blood.

As a consequence, the cells do not get enough of this molecule. In addition, it can cause damage to many tissues in the body. The most affected are usually the blood vessels, heart and kidneys.

Unfortunately , diabetes is a multifactorial disease that quickly becomes an epidemic. This is due to factors such as a sedentary lifestyle and the lack of quality of food we eat these days.

To prevent all the risks posed by this disease, you must have strict control over your blood sugar level. Also, be aware of your unhealthy lifestyle habits and try to change them for your own well-being.

Measurement of glucose

simple sugars: measurement of glucose

There are many methods to monitor your blood sugar level these days. It is normal for it to be below 5.5 mmol / l when fasting. So when the levels rise above these values, it may be due to a problem with the passage of the energy entering the cells.

Blood glucose meters are devices that measure this substance. They do this through a drop of blood after you have stabbed your finger. It gives you the results in just a few seconds. One can also find out how much glucose is expelled by the kidneys through a blood or urine sample.

Simple sugars: Conclusion

Glucose is an important molecule. Both very high and very low glucose levels can endanger our health. It is therefore important to measure glucose levels from time to time and do so several times a day if you are diabetic or have a high risk of becoming so.

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