7 Fruits That Can Strengthen Your Skin!

Oranges are rich in vitamin C. In addition to eating oranges, we can also take advantage of their benefits by using orange peel to make a toner for the skin.
7 fruits that can strengthen your skin!

Can fruits really tone and strengthen your skin ? Yes! This may come as a surprise to you, because we are all used to buying expensive creams and spending a lot of money on beauty treatments to have a toned and firm figure.

Does this mean that it is enough to eat only fruits that are in these lists? Not really. In reality, this means that you need to maintain a balanced diet and increase your intake of all the foods that provide collagen and other nutrients that are necessary for the skin at all stages of life.

All help is good, and face creams may still be appropriate for you. But to increase the effect, it is necessary that you “feed your skin” from within. And this is where these fruits are your best allies day in and day out.

1. The effect of vitamin C found in oranges


Which fruit contains the most vitamin C that helps strengthen your skin? Oranges. They are very suitable for eating every morning with a glass of warm water with lemon, which is perfect for cleansing your body of toxins and for a good supply of vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamin C is found in oranges and lemons and is the ultimate ingredient against aging. Thanks to this vitamin, your body can better absorb iron and calcium. The only problem is that it is water soluble, that is, vitamin C dissolves in water and can then be lost via urine. Therefore, we need to continuously replenish this vitamin.

Vitamin C is also a wonderful antioxidant that takes care of the DNA in our cells, and which protects us from the dreaded free radicals that cause wrinkles in the skin. It also helps prevent the signs of aging and promotes the synthesis of collagen.

In what ways can we take advantage of oranges to control the skin?

Eat an orange with honey every day

You can start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon, but in the middle of the day for lunch it is good to eat oranges cut into pieces with a little honey on.

2. Toner made from orange peel


  • Peel 3 oranges
  • 1 liter of water


  • This toner gives a wonderful strength to your skin, but how do you make it? It’s simple: you take the peel from three oranges and boil it in 1 liter of water for at least 20 minutes (the peel should be well cooked).
  • Then remove the pan from the heat and leave for an hour. Then strain the mixture before bottling. Store in the refrigerator.
  • You should apply this fresh orange toner to your face 3 times a day. Use a cotton swab to cleanse, tone and strengthen your skin. Leave it on the skin all day – there is no need to wash your face or remove this toner. You can apply it to your face or other parts of your body that you want to strengthen, such as your thighs or abdomen.

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) from grapes, cherries and avocados


If you get used to regularly eating these types of fruits that are rich in acetylsalicylic acid, you will see how your skin becomes more beautiful and stronger day by day. You can eat them in their natural form, drink as juice or take advantage of their properties using homemade creams.

So, which fruits have the highest content of acetylsalicylic acid ? Remember these so that they are never missing from your daily diet:

  • Avocado
  • Red grapes (these have more tannin, and therefore more antioxidants that help your skin)
  • Cherry
  • Mandarins

How can we make the most of these fruits?

  • Include red grapes in your breakfast, but remember to always eat them with the peel on, as this is where you will find most of the benefits.
  • Eat cherries as often as you can and when they are in season. It is enough to eat only 10 a day, after lunch. In addition to strengthening your skin, they are also known to treat pain associated with arthritis.
  • The juice from tangerines is ideal in the middle of the day. Drink it freshly squeezed.
  • Avocados are great for your skin, but since they are high in calories, it is best not to eat more than half an avocado a day. You can also make face masks from avocado – these will give a firmness to your skin. We have written about this in other articles.

3. Strawberries and watermelon – stimulates the production of collagen


Collagen is a protein that can only be obtained from animal sources. But there are many foods that can help the body produce it, as well as stimulate production. You can eat beef, pork or fish, or you can make a dessert that contains  gelatin. You can also benefit from these two fruits that will help you tighten your skin due to its high content of antioxidants, water and vitamins:

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberry

How can you take advantage of the benefits of watermelon and strawberry?


When strawberries and watermelon are in season, do not hesitate to eat them in their natural form or in delicious smoothies. These fruits act as mediators for the production of collagen, and they will also provide moisture to the skin due to their high water content. Enjoy these fruits as much as possible.

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