What Is The Purpose Of A CT Scan?

Computed tomography (CT) is a quick, easy and painless diagnostic imaging test. Who needs one? What are the benefits? Today’s article will tell you more about it.
What is the purpose of a CT scan?

A CT scan is a radiological imaging examination used to diagnose many diseases. This article contains some interesting facts about this type of analysis.

What is a CT scan?

Computed axial tomography is a diagnostic imaging examination. It is an X-ray machine that emits many rays from different directions, instead of just one ray that occurs at a conventional X-ray.

Furthermore, these rays form many different images, and a computer retrieves and processes them. They then generate a reconstructed plan of the part of the body being studied or of the interior of the whole body, depending on the case.

The computer can even configure the images in such a way that it can render a 3D image of the inside of the body. Thus, the images one can get with a CT scan are much more detailed than those obtained with a conventional X-ray machine.

A woman undergoing computed tomography.
The CT scan is a diagnostic examination that can facilitate the detection of many diseases.

What does a CT scan show?

The images of the various internal tissues obtained with this imaging study are based on the different absorption of radiation from the tissues. Thus, different tissues, such as bones, tendons, soft tissue, nerve tissue in the brain, etc. appear in different colors.

For example , bones appear to be whiter while areas where there is air, such as the lungs, appear blacker. Furthermore, areas with an intermediate density, such as heart or liver, are gray.

What is a CT scan for?

This rapid examination is to evaluate the condition of many internal parts in emergency situations. Some of these may be after traffic accidents, in case of suspicion of stroke or ictus etc.

It is also one of the main investigations in the diagnosis and evaluation of different types of tumors. Some of the most common are lung, ovarian or liver tumors.

Furthermore, one can use different contrasts in the execution of the survey which will help to generate more detailed images of particular parts.

How is it done?

The CT scan is a quick, easy and painless examination. In preparation for this, the doctor will ask the patient undergoing the examination about possible allergies and any prostheses, among others. The patient must remove metal objects, hearing aids and other objects that may interfere with the examination.

Then they are placed in a specific position that will make it easier to get the desired image. The patient will lie on a bench that pushes them in and out of the X-ray machine in that position.

The examination usually takes less than 30 minutes and can even be faster with certain modern equipment and by children.

A woman undergoing a CT scan.
The CT scan is a simple, painless examination that should not take more than 30 minutes.

Is a CT scan safe?

The most risky part of the CT scan is radiation exposure. However, the amount of radiation that patients are exposed to is safe. As with everything, there is always a small chance of developing a type of tumor from the radiation.

The benefit of the study is always much greater than the risk of developing cancer. However, this is not true for pregnant women. In fact, they should always discuss it with their doctor as soon as they suggest a CT scan.

In general, this study is not recommended for pregnant women and will only be done if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Briefly summarized

You now know that a CT scan is a quick, easy and painless examination that can provide a lot of important information in the diagnosis of several diseases or in emergencies.

Eventually, the use becomes more widespread and the technique for interpreting the results becomes more refined as time goes on.

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