The Best Age Is Your Current Age

You must never forget that you are more than just your physical appearance. What others see is just the tip of the iceberg.
The best age is your current age

The best age is your current age, not younger or older. When we are very young, we can not wait to be independent. We believe that these years hold our dreams, our perfect love and the best adventures.

Later, as you walk the path of life, it seems that many do not end up understanding that the years that have passed have shaped them into who they are, who they see in the mirror, and all the lights that are constantly added to the birthday cakes.

This is not correct. Not accepting your age is related to not having the “life you want”, and also to not feeling an inner balance for yourself. It is dangerous.

Every year lived means more time with the people you love, it means  more opportunities to grow as a person and to strengthen the bonds of those around you.

It’s never too late to reach new heights, and it’s never too early to start the adventures you have in mind. We hope you are thinking about this, and remember that the best age is now.

And you… how old are you?

Sometimes you hear someone say something like “I do not recognize myself in the mirror, I feel younger on the inside”. Is this a bad thing? Not at all. In some ways it is normal and even a good thing. For the one thing that should never get old is your heart.

I’m as old as the years I’ve lived. I’m at my best age. My face tells the story, my eyes tell my chronicle. But on the inside, I struggle every day to keep my spirit young, so that it never gets tired of experiencing life or of giving excitement to everything I do.

The tireless pursuit of youth

mother and daughter

Diana de Poitiers’ story of the French King Henry II’s mistress tells of how she was obsessed for large parts of her life with avoiding age. She could not stand how her face changed. How her hair turned gray, and how she was no longer preferred by the king who supported her.

She searched for thousands of formulas and paid large sums of money to several alchemists. We know that she was 66 years old, and looked fragile, thin and sickly. She may have looked younger than she was, but she achieved it through intense suffering.

A later analysis of her legs showed that Diana de Poitiers spent half her life eating gold to prevent aging. Was this slow, anemic poisoning worth it? We will never know, but it seems that the same search continues to repeat itself.

  • The obsessed search for lost youth causes anxiety and frustration.
  • Currently, physical appearance and the desire to prevent the passage of time is very overrated.
  • The truth is that if there is one thing that is truly fascinating and enchanting, it is the person who accepts his age and lives life intensely. These people live with a happiness that people in their 20s and 30s do not even understand or achieve.

True self-esteem, the real age

It’s as simple as this: those who feel good about themselves, with what they have, with what they have achieved and with who they are, will feel satisfied with their own age. They will feel like they are in the best age. You may think we’re just talking about accepting your face and body, but this only goes beyond your physical appearance.

You may go through periods of disappointment, with personal defeat. The difficult times may make you feel defenseless. This discomfort often causes people to dislike what they see in the mirror.

There is nothing more devastating than depression. These are vital moments of inner crisis. You are “destroyed” on the inside, and you find yourself affected on all levels, especially existentially.

  • Your self-esteem, your love for yourself, is your true engine that propels you forward. It also provides inner and outer balance.
  • Self-esteem must be worked on every minute every day. You must remember that you have the right to experience bad times in order to “embrace your demons”.
  • Sometimes you have to reach the bottom to get up. This does not make you a weak person, but men and women have learned from angry experiences. Accepting all this allows you to be whole, and it allows you to accept that your age is the best age.

Accept age

I would not have another age. I feel good about how old I am, not younger, not older, because my dreams have come true. I like what I see and I like who I am.

I accept my age because I know I have a lot left to do. Every day I choose a new project that fills me with excitement. I look back and I know I have matured, and everything I have lived has been worth it, good or bad.

I accept my age because I accept myself. There is no greater happiness than to move on peacefully, and to know that I am safe and content with every stone I have picked up and every obstacle I have passed.

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