Body Wrap: Lose Weight And Detoxify The Body

Because toxins accumulate during a body wrap, it can cause allergic reactions. Do not leave the plastic too tight and do not leave it on for more than an hour.
Body Wrap: Lose weight and detoxify the body

For decades, many different tricks and techniques have been developed to help people lose weight and let them shape their figure. Slimming creams, surgical procedures, juices, gels, fat burning injections, body wrap and massage are just a few methods to help eliminate fat that prevents you from getting the body you have always wanted.

Today we are going to talk about a popular method that can increase the body’s capacity for fat burning: a Body Wrap made of plastic to increase the body’s core temperature during exercise to improve the results of weight loss.

This technique is used in beauty treatment centers and many women do this at home and they still enjoy all the benefits. If you cover areas of the body with a Body Wrap made of plastic , you increase blood flow, how much you sweat, and the body’s ability to eliminate toxins.

There are a few different ways to use this technique, and some tricks that can give even better results. This time we will share two effective methods that will promote weight loss, cleanse the body and reduce cellulite.

Plastic body wrap with honey

This method consists of using a homemade reducing cream that improves the results when using a Body Wrap made of plastic.

You need:

  • ½ cup of honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • A few drops of essential oil of citrus

Here’s how to do it

  • Heat the honey in a water bath. When hot, add the other ingredients and mix well.
  • Using a brush, apply the mixture on areas such as arms, thighs and abdomen, then cover them with plastic wrap.
  • Cover with a warm towel and lie down for an hour. After an hour, remove the plastic and wash the mixture with warm water.

Body Wrap of clay

clay wrap

A Body Wrap with clay is one of the most effective ways to fight cellulite and eliminate fat. We recommend using blue clay because it is full of micro-elements that have a positive effect on the skin.

You need:

  • Blue clay
  • Hot water

Here’s how to do it

  • Mix just enough warm water with the blue clay to get a creamy consistency.
  • Apply to the desired areas, wrap with plastic and cover with a warm towel. Leave it on for an hour. For best results, you should perform some physical exercise during this period.
  • You should use such a Body Wrap at least twice a week for noticeable results in a short time. The end result will be a slimmer figure and a reduced incidence of cellulite and stretch marks.

The Benefits of Body Wraps

  • Wrapping your body with plastic two or three times a week, especially while exercising, increases your body’s ability to lose weight, and it can help you lose up to 0.9 kilos per week, always with a proper diet and exercise as well.
  • Plastic foil is both cheap and easy to find.
  • Can be used on many different areas of the body.
  • A Body Wrap will increase how much you sweat, which means you burn more calories.
  • They improve the health of the skin, fight cellulite and reduce the visibility of stretch marks.

Tips and warnings

It is important to remember a few things when using these techniques to avoid side effects. Because plastic wrap prevents the skin from breathing, accumulation of toxins can lead to allergic reactions or skin infections.

To avoid these unpleasant conditions, keep these tips in mind:

  • Do not pack the plastic too tightly.
  • Do not use it for more than an hour at a time.
  • Remove immediately after exercise.
  • Before rinsing or showering, wait a few minutes so that your body temperature can gradually lower.
  • The water in the shower should be warm or very hot.
  • To complete the treatment, dry the skin thoroughly and apply a moisturizing cream.

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