7 Home Treatments For Ruptured Blood Vessels And Varicose Veins

To prevent varicose veins and ruptured blood vessels from occurring, or to prevent them from getting worse, you should avoid a sedentary lifestyle and try to treat them as early as possible.
7 home treatments for ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins

Bursting blood vessels and varicose veins are dilated veins that do not allow blood flow to return to the heart, and they mainly affect the lower parts of the body.

They occur when something prevents the blood from flowing properly. In today’s article, we will share some of the best home remedies for ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins.

Why do we get ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins?

Bursting blood vessels and varicose veins develop when your vein valves do not close properly, which causes the veins to dilate and cause blood to accumulate. Some of the risk factors for this problem (which usually affect women in adulthood) include:


If you carry a lot of weight in your legs, this will require more blood from your arteries and veins. This can overload their capacity and cause them to fail.

A sedentary lifestyle

2-raised legs

If you sit for many hours a day, the nutmeg in your legs does not pump blood as efficiently. This causes the blood to accumulate in the veins and overload the valves, and this results in ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins.

Stand on your feet a lot

Just like sitting, standing for long periods of time will prevent the blood from returning all the way to the heart  because it works against gravity.


Birth control pills can cause fluid retention and failure of the valves of your reticular veins. Women who use these contraceptives may notice changes in their legs and the appearance of ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins.

Genetic factors


You may have a family history of varicose veins, ruptured blood vessels, deep vein thrombosis or other problems related to the circulation in the lower body. Then you can be more exposed to this.

Other risk factors

Smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels  can be a direct or indirect cause of venous problems.

The best remedies for varicose veins

It is important to attack ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins as soon as you detect them, when the veins have just begun to dilate. This can help prevent them from reaching stage 2 (discomfort, heaviness and cramps), stage 3 (changes in the skin and the underlying tissue), and stage 4 (severe pain and infection).

The best natural treatments for the earliest stages are:


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This little blue fruit promotes good blood circulation thanks to its vasodilating properties that strengthen your artery walls. Blueberries are also rich in vitamins C and flavonoids.

You can eat them raw as a dessert or snack, or make tea with a spoonful of blueberries per cup of water. Drink up to two cups a day.

Aloe vera

This is a popular and effective remedy for those with ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins. Cut a leaf open lengthwise and scrape out the gel and spread it over the areas where these years have occurred. Some people like to mix aloe vera with a couple of tablespoons of grated carrot and apple cider vinegar to apply it as an ointment. Let this work for 20 minutes.


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There are many herbs that promote better circulation and help reduce the incidence of ruptured blood vessels and varicose veins. One of these, horseradish, has many benefits for the veins and arteries that are worth mentioning. If you eat it, it can even make varicose veins disappear.

Horseradish is not recommended for pregnant women, those with heart problems, or those with thrombophlebitis.


Another herb that can improve your venous health is marigold. This plant can over time make your veins less prone to degeneration. A tea made with marigold can repair damaged tissues, reduce swelling in the lower body parts and relieve pain . You can also find creams made with marigold, or make it yourself!

How? Crush the marigold and mix in some water before mixing it into your regular body lotion. Apply it to your skin every night before going to bed and do not rinse it off.

Essential oils

6 essential oils

Massage is a good choice for legs that are sore due to varicose veins, or to avoid problems related to living a sedentary life or spending long days on your feet. You should use circular motions and start at the ankles and work your way up towards the thighs.

You can use olive oil to improve circulation and prevent the veins from clogging. Try to warm it up before using it.


The bark of the cypress tree has several different properties that treat circulatory disorders, including varicose veins and ruptured blood vessels.


  • 2 teaspoons with cypress leaves and bark (20g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Heat the water until it boils and add the leaves and bark.
  • Let this mixture soak for 10 minutes. Cool and strain the liquid.
  • Eat seven tablespoons a day.

You can also use this treatment externally by wetting a cotton ball in the liquid and then applying it directly to the affected areas.



Chestnuts are considered one of the best home remedies for varicose veins and ruptured blood vessels. They are also recommended for those who suffer from phlebitis, as they stimulate good circulation.  They have the ability to restore the function of their veins and flaps.


  • 5 tablespoons of chestnut bark (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring the water to a boil and add to the chestnut bark. Let it soak for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and drink it while it is still hot.
  • Repeat this every day in the morning or evening.

Hope you find these tips helpful and good luck!

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