Advice For Getting Rid Of Bags Under The Eyes

Advice to get rid of bags under the eyes

Although it may seem like a contradiction, to get rid of bags under the eyes that are caused by fluid retention, it is important that you drink enough water. Bags under the eyes are caused by inflammation of the lower eyelid. As a result , liquids and toxins accumulate in this area.

This process is caused by the body experiencing too much stress or exhaustion, or simply because it is out of balance.

Why get rid of bags under the eyes?


When such a visible and important part of the body becomes swollen, it will generally reduce your self-esteem. You feel less attractive and tend to think that others think the same. This can sometimes start to damage your relationship, even your relationship with your partner.

But do not worry. Thanks to the advice we give here, you will be able to visibly reduce how much the bags under your eyes appear.

Eat low-salt vegetables for dinner

Most vegetables are diuretic, and therefore prevent fluid retention. This is the enemy you must defeat in order to free yourself from bags under your eyes. For the most success, eliminate salt as much as possible. It is important that you follow this advice in the evening, because that is when the body is used to relaxing. By eating a light dinner like this, you will help eliminate everything that is superfluous in the body.

Sleep in the right position: always keep your head higher than your body


Good circulation of substances through the body is absolutely essential. This position helps this type of circulation to occur, as you will already respect your body’s natural flow.

You should also  take advantage of gravity to facilitate this circulation.

Wash your face with cold water in the morning

If you have not slept well, you will show signs of fatigue in the morning. If you immediately apply cold water to your eyes, these first symptoms will immediately ease, because low temperatures are naturally anti-inflammatory. It is also hydrating.

Remember, hydration is also fundamental to good health.

Drink water throughout the day

If you remember that this problem is mostly caused by fluid retention, you should try to eliminate this to get rid of bags under your eyes.

This is why you should drink plenty of water throughout the day. This is a perfect solution. Try to drink around 2 liters of water per day to stop the physical signs of fatigue or other complications.

Apply chamomile to your eyes

Chamomile is a natural product that can be used in many different ways. It is an antibiotic, it is a cleanser, and it can even be a very effective natural anti-inflammatory  ingredient . This plant is good for getting rid of bags under the eyes.

Here is the process you should follow:

  • After cooking a chamomile decoction, moisten a couple of cotton swabs in it and place one on each eye.
  • Leave them there for five to ten minutes. Your face will glow.

Recycle your tea bags

tea bags-swollen-eyes

Just like in the previous case, tea has surprising uses. This time, use regular tea bags to get  two benefits: you get to drink tea and get rid of bags under your eyes.

  • After making the tea, place the bags in the refrigerator.
  • When you are sure they are good and cold, place them on your eyes for a few minutes.
  • When you take them off you will see incredible results.

The classic cucumber is undeniable

Again, the key is a low temperature.

  • To get rid of bags under your eyes in just 10 minutes, all you need to do is cut a few thick slices of cucumber.
  • Then place them in the fridge so they are as cold as possible.
  • Once you have taken them out of the fridge, place a slice on each eye for five to ten minutes.

Your face will be rejuvenated and you will look like your happy, healthy self. These tips will also help you fight dark circles under the eyes, which are just as uncomfortable as bags.

Try to follow these guidelines and you will not regret it. You will be able to control the bags under your eyes without having to use creams or other chemicals.


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