8 Tips To Naturally Relieve Low Back Pain

We often have a terrible attitude when we are at the computer, at work or even when we go. Your back is the area that feels your incorrect posture the most.
8 tips to naturally relieve low back pain

Back pain is one of the most common health problems, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle. It is characterized by an uncomfortable feeling of tension and stiffness in the base of the spine, sometimes accompanied by tingling and difficulty moving. It can come from a bad posture while sitting or walking. However, it can also be a sign of joint, bone or muscle disorders. Here are 8 tips to naturally relieve low back pain.

Although there are many conventional ways to minimize the symptoms, it is a good idea to learn some tips for finding relief from low back pain naturally. It can happen to anyone at any time, so today we would like to share 8 helpful tips to help you relieve low back pain.

Tips to relieve low back pain

1. Improve your attitude

woman on data

Having a good posture is a simple habit that will help keep low back pain away. This small step helps to keep the muscles in place and gives the spine the support it needs. At the same time , you improve your appearance and increase your physical and mental performance at work.

2. Training

Sitting can help reduce pain when it is particularly painful, but physical activity and stretching exercises help with the pain while keeping it from happening in the future. Exercise improves circulation and increases the strength of the muscles and skeleton, which helps prevent injury and premature breakdown.

Lose weight if necessary

tight pants

A sedentary lifestyle and obesity can have a lot to do with recurrent low back and joint pain. In this case , the muscles have to work harder to support the extra body weight,  which causes them to exceed their abilities. Therefore, to get relief from back pain, you need to lose weight. Eat better and use habits as a daily physical activity.

4. Use a tennis ball

Many physiotherapists and coaches use tennis balls as a way to treat back pain. Lie down on a tennis ball on a firm surface and make slow movements. This will improve your circulation while helping to relieve stiffness and tension.

5. Lift your legs


Something as simple as lifting your legs at home can help to relax your back and help you avoid pain and fatigue. This exercise contributes to blood flow and oxygenation of the muscles. Do this in a comfortable place, while trying to keep your back straight and supported against a firm surface.

6. Sleep well

Having good sleep plays an important role in keeping pain away. People who sleep less than 7 hours a night are more likely to have back pain compared to those who get enough sleep.

This is because the muscles relax when you sleep, and the circulation improves in the back, neck and shoulders. Therefore, it is important to be careful with your sleeping position, since a bad posture can have the opposite effect.

7. Drink soothing tea


Drinking anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving tea is a completely natural way to control low back pain. Certain spices and herbs inhibit the body’s anti-inflammatory response and help to significantly reduce muscle stiffness.

At the first sign of pain, make one of the following teas:

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Lavender
  • Pepper
  • Orange peel
  • Mint
  • Licorice
  • Fennel
  • Chamomile

8. Apply hot and cold compresses

Hot and cold compresses are a great way to minimize muscle pain in the lower back. Switching between these temperatures improves blood circulation in the affected areas and reduces inflammation. It can also be supplemented with certain plants and essential oils to enhance the calming effect.

Do you often get low back pain? Put the above tips into practice and find out for yourself that it is possible to get relief without having to turn to expensive treatment.  However, if the pain persists, consult your doctor to find out what is causing it.

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