8 Practical Tips To Prevent Acid Reflux

To avoid acid regurgitation, it is best to wear clothing that does not tighten around the abdomen, as tight clothing can increase the pressure in this area.
8 practical tips to prevent acid reflux

Wondering how to prevent acid reflux? They occur when the stomach acid dissipates in the esophagus and into the mouth. It is often described as a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. In addition, chest pain, heartburn and difficulty swallowing follow .

The cause is a weak or poorly functioning sphincter in the esophagus, a muscular valve that has many functions to hold food and fluids in the stomach.

Although it is not a disease as such, it can occur sporadically, and it is important to take certain measures to prevent it  and not be exposed to related complications.

Given that there are many factors that can cause it, in this article we will share 8 tips to prevent acid regurgitation.

Try them!

Avoid irritating foods


Poor eating habits are the main cause of continuous cases of relapse.

Eating excessive portions or a bad combination of foods is a common source of heartburn and stomach irritation.

Because of this, it is best to limit the consumption of the following foods:

  • Processed meat
  • Refined flour
  • Sweets and pastries
  • Spice
  • Canned food
  • Foods high in sodium

2. Weight loss

People who are overweight tend to suffer from relapses more often.

Being overweight puts pressure on the stomach, which often causes the stomach acid to return to the esophagus.

  • By maintaining a healthy weight, one will help digestion and reduce the incidence of reflux.

3. Stop smoking to prevent acid regurgitation

Smoking cessation

Smokers must quit if they want to control excess acid in the stomach and esophagus.

The toxins in tobacco reduce the production of saliva, a substance that helps counteract stomach acid to prevent heartburn.

They also cause the mouth and throat to become dehydrated, which then causes further problems when they suffer from setbacks.

4. Wear comfortable clothing

Although many people overlook it, the use of tight-fitting clothing can also be a factor for people suffering from setbacks.

Tight jeans, belts and some shirts increase the pressure on the stomach, and after eating, the gastric juices escape.

  • Wearing looser clothing and unbuttoning a button or two after meals are easy ways to avoid acid reflux.

5. Take a good stance

Woman in the office with back pain

Body posture when eating, and after a meal, plays a very important role in the digestive system.

A good posture helps the food move from the mouth to the stomach, and gravity helps to keep the stomach acids where they should be.

  • By lying down or taking up another inappropriate position after meals, the contractions in the stomach are intensified, and the chance of stomach acids rising from the stomach is increased.

6. Drinks

The antacid and digestive properties of many natural ingredients can work well to prevent and treat the symptoms of acid reflux.

They regulate the pH value of the stomach and help the sphincter to function properly.

Some recommended ingredients include:

  • Mint
  • Cardamom
  • Fennel
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Lemon
  • Mustard seeds
  • Linseed

7. Avoid stress to prevent acid regurgitation

Woman with headache

Being in stressful situations on a regular basis is a major cause of acid reflux that many people overlook.

Some people think that there is no relationship between them at all, but in reality it is very relevant.

We are also experiencing an increase in the secretion of stimulants such as adrenaline, which is associated with a higher secretion of stomach acids.

  1. When we are stressed, we can suffer from nervous reactions that alter the effects of certain bodily processes, causing digestive problems.
  2. We are also experiencing an increase in the secretion of stimulants such as adrenaline, which is associated with a higher secretion of stomach acids.

8. Limit your alcohol intake

If you drink too much alcohol, it can irritate the stomach, and in addition to setbacks, it can cause other unpleasant symptoms.

The toxins in alcohol are difficult to digest, and they block the function of the valve that stops stomach acids from seeping up towards the mouth.

Do you feel a strong burning sensation in your stomach and throat? If you frequently complain about this issue, follow all of these tips to keep it under control.

If the symptoms persist or occur for no reason, contact your GP to make sure it is not caused by something more serious.

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