8 Effective Exercises To Tighten Your Face

There are some effective exercises you can do at home to define the shape of your face.
8 Effective Exercises To Tighten Your Face

Do you want to get a more defined shape on your face? In fact, it is possible to tighten up your face. To do that, you need to practice the eight exercises we share with you today.

We give you all the details so you can easily make them at home. Stay tuned and you will see the difference, guaranteed!

Warm up your muscles

Warm up the muscles in your face. This will help you avoid putting in the effort in vain.

  • You should sit with your back as straight as possible.
  • Now try to express the vowels in the alphabet, clearly and slowly (“a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”, “æ”, “ø”, “å”).
  • Do this until you feel that your face is warmed up everywhere.

Exercises to tighten up the face

1. Chin lift

Slim your face

Lift your chin as much as possible. For this exercise to be effective, you must sit on a chair and tilt your head back. Try to push your lips forward as much as possible and hold that position for five to ten seconds. Try to relax your muscles and repeat this two to three times.

2. Hold your position

Hold the following position for 10 to 15 seconds. In this exercise, what you are going to do is first keep your arms around yourself. Then start stretching your neck up. Try to keep your back straight.

When you notice that you have reached your limit, take a deep breath and count to 10 or 15. Finally, return to the starting position. This is a simple but effective way to combat sagging skin. Be sure to keep your head straight when doing this.

Press the corners of your mouth down and stretch them down for five seconds. Return to normal position. Repeat this exercise five times until you feel the muscles get tired.

3. Sit on a chair

Woman sitting on a chair

The fourth exercise should be performed while sitting on a chair. Keep your back straight and hold a pencil between your lips. Do all this without moving your head. Then write your name in the air using the pencil or at least complete some letters. Pause and repeat this again.

4. Exercise your neck muscles

This exercise is great for the muscles in your neck. With practice, it will help define the contours of the face and tighten up your face. To do this, tilt your head to the right and make a movement as if you were trying to touch your shoulder with your ear.

At the same time, put a little pressure on your left temple with your right hand, as if you were trying to block the movement of your head. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

5. Lips and cheeks

Lips and cheeks

For this exercise, you must first take a deep breath. Then press your lips together and inflate your cheeks. Place your hands on the sides of your face so that they cover your ears and cheeks. Now, put some pressure on your cheeks so that you have to tense your facial muscles. Try to hold this position for five to six seconds, and relax and rest. Repeat this exercise five or six times.

7. Mouths

For the next exercise, close your mouth and press your lips against your teeth. Try to move the lower jaw slightly forward. Place your index finger on your chin and try to overcome the resistance exerted by your finger. Using the facial muscles, press against your chin. Alternate between relaxing and tensing your muscles. Repeat 10 times.

8. Hooks


This exercise is one of the most important to tighten up your face. It is the last and most difficult of this series of eight, designed to strengthen the muscles under the tongue and jaw. To do this, place your two fists under your chin. Support your tongue against your palate, close to your teeth.

Press your fists upwards and create resistance to your tongue. Maintain this pressure for 30 seconds. Then relax the muscles for five seconds and repeat this 10 times.

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