7 Unhealthy Emotions That Prevent You From Being Happy

Fear and anxiety in moderate amounts are necessary to survive, but when it becomes too much it can lead to unhealthy feelings that become difficult in everyday life.
7 unhealthy emotions that keep you from being happy

There is an exaggerated concept in psychology and personal development. We are talking about “unhealthy feelings”, and the idea that people and their behavior can be toxic. Sometimes these ideas are well translated in the terms of pop culture, but we must also put it in context. 

In the same way as when we talk about unhealthy feelings, we mean bad feelings. They hinder us in our daily lives and prevent us from being happy. They also prevent us from achieving strong mental health.

The word “toxic” does not have a scientific basis, but it can be used as an illustration of what we are trying to achieve. It is a dysfunctional behavior that leads to pain, grief and illness.

Today we want to talk about it. We will look at basic unhealthy emotions that affect your personal balance and your ability to have a healthy and happy life.

Unhealthy emotions that keep you from being happy

1. Shame


It is said that one feels less shame over time. But it actually gets worse before it disappears longer than you thought. It can invade almost your entire life.

There are many different types of shame: Shame on being yourself, wearing special types of clothes, saying something to someone you like, asking a question, trusting someone, being humble…

It is true that there are rules and boundaries in social interaction and everyday behavior. These are boundaries you do not cross for moral reasons, politeness, etc.

When it comes to personal development, shame often limits your identity and wholeness. 

Shame is related to fear and insecurity. However, it may be a good idea to dig a little deeper into what it is that you do not accept in yourself, and what makes you uncomfortable so that you can work on it.

Anxiety – one of the most dangerous and toxic emotions

Anxiety becomes toxic when it becomes overwhelming and crosses the line of what is healthy. 

  • When you feel a kind of constant threat, stress that does not go away, or anxiety that eats you alive, then it has become toxic. In other words, it becomes a negative unhealthy feeling that takes over everything.
  • Constant anxiety does not make you better at anything. What anxiety does is discourage you. It makes you feel tired, overwhelmed and unfocused.

3. Concern


Worries are a time bomb. It arises from many negative things, fear, a sense of danger, negativity, insecurity, frustration, pain…

No one can live in worry forever. It is death in life. It shuts down the possibility of being a free and happy person.

4. Constant dissatisfaction

Sometimes dissatisfaction can be a force that makes us change something, upgrade or improve ourselves.

  • But when dissatisfaction becomes chronic and does not function as that force, then it becomes a disease that takes over everything.
  • It causes you to lose all enthusiasm, energy and motivation. You no longer smile.

Be careful. If the dissatisfaction becomes chronic then it may actually be that you are suffering from depression.

5. Jealousy

Jealousy is neither right nor healthy. Plus having that feeling all the time will lead to low self-esteem.

  • Jealousy is the path to suffering. Wanting something that is not yours or that you cannot get is harmful and unhealthy for your mental health.
  • Not being able to feel the joy of others’ success or to respect and celebrate what others are or have, says a lot about you.
  • You must learn to celebrate yourself, love yourself, and also to be happy on behalf of others. 

6. Constant fear


If we had searched for the definition of unhappy, then this would have come up: the absence of fear.

But what about when you are afraid of everything? When you feel that everything is going to go wrong, that you are going to be attacked, criticized and abandoned? In this case, you isolate yourself from being happy.

7. Frustration

Healthy frustration motivates you to change and overcome.

But unhealthy frustration will mislead you into fear, lost dreams and surrender. 

  • Do not forget that frustration nourishes defeat and disappointment, a shattered dream, and a goal that was not reached.
  • So before you become a bitter person, teach yourself how to learn from your own mistakes and defeats. That way, you can look ahead, apply what you have learned, take control and become successful again. 

To conclude, all these feelings are very common. But they can actually be positive as long as you manage to control them. 

When unhealthy emotions take over your life and you let them establish themselves in your head, it is only then that they become toxic.

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