7 Types Of Food You Can Fight Hair Loss With

Are you losing more hair than usual? Are these types of foods not included in your diet? Now that you know the benefits of them, do not hesitate to eat them regularly.
7 types of foods you can fight hair loss with

There are many factors that come into play if you lose a lot of hair. What many do not know, however, is that it is often due to deficiencies in the diet. Although you may be focusing on treatment from the outside, there are some ingredients needed in your diet so that you can fight hair loss naturally.

For this reason, it is wise to supplement a hair treatment with some ingredients in your diet, which will give you better hair health.

In this article we will share some details about the 7 best types of food for just this, and which you should not hesitate to add them to your diet if you notice that you have started to lose more hair than normal.

1. You can fight hair loss by adding spinach to your diet

You can fight hair loss by eating more spinach.

This green and delicious leafy vegetable is one of the best types of food. It strengthens both worn hair and hair that falls out more than usual.

  • Spinach contains iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C, all of which are necessary for healthy hair.
  • In addition, it contains small amounts of amino acids that strengthen the hair follicles, and keep the fibers strong and shiny.

2. Eat lentils

Lentils are good to have in your diet.

Lentils are one of the most complex legumes we have. It is highly recommended to eat them regularly to provide the body with the nutrition it needs.

  • They give us biotin and proteins, which are good for the hair. Not only do they prevent hair loss, but they do not weaken the hair and wear it out.
  • Lenses are also a good source of iron, which helps strengthen the control of hair loss, if you suffer from anemia.

3. You can fight hair loss with oily fish

Oily fish such as salmon are good and healthy.

Salmon, tuna and other types of oily fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids and high amounts of protein, also help to make your hair healthy.

  • If you eat this type of fish at least twice a week, you prevent the scalp from drying out the natural oils that are there. It also stimulates growth.
  • Some varieties contain selenium. This is a key ingredient in controlling hair loss.
  • Oily fish also contain antioxidants. This fights free radicals and reduces the possibility of the roots becoming weak.

4. Oats

You can fight hair loss by adding some oats to your diet.

Oats have a very important place in a healthy diet. It is not only because it increases your metabolism due to a high content of fiber, but it is also good as a beauty product as it contains a lot of vitamin B as well as minerals.

  • These substances give strength to the hair fibers and fight hair loss.
  • In addition, the amino acids in oats give strength to the hair follicles and increase the growth of strong and beautiful hair.

5. You can fight hair loss with the help of pumpkin

Three pumpkins.

Pumpkin is very well known in the gastronomic world. It is a very useful and economical ingredient that can be added to your diet in several ways.

  • It is good for the hair as it contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that reduces damage caused by toxins and the sun. This substance is absorbed by the roots and gives an increase in the growth of new hair.
  • It is also recognized for its content of vitamin C and fatty acids, which help regulate the sebaceous glands, prevent hair drying out, and hair loss.
  • Pumpkin also contains minerals such as potassium and zinc, which stimulates blood flow and the synthesis of collagen.

6. Eggs

Eggs are a great product that can be used in many ways.

Eggs are one of the most recommended ingredients to combat hair loss. Although using eggs in a hair mask has its benefits, it is also good for you, simply by just eating it.

  • Their high protein content helps to form new, stronger hairs with more shine.
  • The nutrients in them also repair the hair follicles and prevent both dryness and a lot of hair loss.
  • In addition, they contain a large dose of vitamin B, which plays an important role in healthy growth.

7. Nuts

Eat nuts, they are healthy and good and you can fight hair loss using them.

Walnuts, almonds and other sales nuts contain amino acids and essential minerals that are very good for the hair.

  • They give you zinc, selenium and magnesium, which means that the follicles do not become so weak, and it contributes to growth.
  • In addition, the fatty acids in them help maintain the production of oils in the scalp, which prevents it from drying out.
  • Their low content of omega 3 and 6, is great for avoiding both inflammation of the hair follicles and circulatory problems.

Do you lose a lot of hair? Do you not have these foods in your diet? Now that you know the benefits of them, do not hesitate to start eating them regularly. And of course, in order to have the best possible control over this problem, make sure that you follow other important treatments at the same time.

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