7 Steps To Fight Belly Fat

If you want to fight belly fat, then you need to combine a healthy diet with localized physical exercise to lose volume and tone the area.
7 steps to fight belly fat

Belly fat, on top of being unwanted, is also dangerous. Remember that a waist size larger than 90 cm endangers a woman’s health. Extra pounds on the stomach can lead to diabetes and certain serious heart problems. Now that we know this, how can we quickly fight belly fat? First, we must be realistic. Belly fat will not just disappear in two weeks.

We also can not forget to mention that everyone has a unique metabolism ( metabolism ), and one should be aware of how it is affected. Losing weight requires commitment and willpower. Can you do it? Of course you can. We show you how to get started today with 7 easy steps to fight belly fat.

Eat tropical fruits to fight belly fat

Tropical fruits such as pineapple and papaya contain digestive enzymes. In addition to having anti-inflammatory properties, these fruits help to reduce fluid retention and improve digestion. We can not forget that good digestion is synonymous with good health. So by taking good care of our gut health by eating cleansing foods, we will also promote weight loss.

Ways to eat more tropical fruit

  • Add some fresh pineapple to salads, and combine it with spinach and nuts.
  • Make a fruit salad for breakfast with papaya and other fresh fruits.
  • Prepare a natural juice of papaya and pineapple.

2. Purple fruits and vegetables

Purple fruits and vegetables are wonderful for your health, and they are also great for fighting belly fat. However, you should choose the ones that appeal to you the most, and watch how they make you feel.

  • Purple fruits contain lutein, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, vitamin C, fiber, quercetin and ellagic acid. Their nutrients help reduce bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • They increase the activity of the immune system.
  • They improve digestion and help cleanse the body.

Some of the best fruits and vegetables in this category are:

  • Grapes
  • Blueberry
  • Eggplants
  • Beets

3. Monounsaturated fats

Monounsaturated fat to fight belly fat? It may seem impossible, but this type of fat is fundamental to our health and figure.

  • There are some healthy fatty acids that can help burn fat and keep it from accumulating.
  • Monounsaturated fat triggers a chain of mechanisms that work in the stomach to break down belly fat that does not want to go away.
  • Foods rich in omega-9 are essential because the body cannot produce them. It keeps the heart healthy and prevents strokes.

Here is a list of foods that you should include in your diet:

  • Nuts
  • Linseed
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Avocado

4. Eat soluble fiber

Soluble fiber can help us the most when it comes to losing weight around the stomach. During digestion, it will absorb water to become a kind of jelly.

This slows down the digestive process so that you feel full while eliminating toxins from the gut. Start including these foods in your daily diet:

  • Oatmeal, bran, rye
  • Carrots, leeks, asparagus

5. Sage tea

You can find sage in health food stores. This plant is often called the “woman’s plant” because of the many benefits it provides for female health:

  • It relieves the symptoms of menstruation and menopause.
  • In addition  , sage tea helps the body eliminate toxins and fight stress. It also helps to release trapped gas.
  • You should drink a cup of tea every morning on an empty stomach, as this is great for fighting belly fat.
sage tea

Walk for 30 minutes every day

Walking is an important exercise that everyone should perform every day. On top of improving your health, it helps to jumpstart your metabolism to help you burn fat easier.

7. Exercise your abdominal muscles for 30 minutes

We all know that we need to eat a healthy, balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and avoid saturated fats and sugary drinks. On top of these basic steps, there is one that is absolutely crucial: training to strengthen this area. By strengthening these muscles, fat will gradually disappear.


Take a look at some of these simple exercises you can do in half an hour:

  • Go up stairs.
  • Perform “plank” postures and exercises for the waist area:
    • Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat and lift your body off the ground using your arms (elbows and down) and the ends of your feet.
    • The hips should be slightly raised, the spine straight and the neck relaxed.
    • Hold this position for 15-20 seconds before resting.
    • Perform 3 sets.
  • Leg bends require more resistance, but they are incredibly effective:
    • Sit on the edge of a chair, with your back bent back and legs outstretched.
    • Now you start to bend your knees to get your thighs against your stomach.
    • Keep your muscles contracted as you complete the repetition. Try to do 8-10 repetitions.
    • Perform 3 sets.

Remember that dancing, yoga and simple stretching exercises that train the abdominal area will also help you fight belly fat.

Are you ready to start with these 7 steps today?

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