7 Natural Muscle Relaxing Treatments For Muscle Tension

Do you feel pain or discomfort in your muscles? Instead of taking synthetic drugs, try one of these natural treatments. Enjoy their amazing benefits to combat these problems.
7 natural muscle relaxant treatments for muscle tension

Muscle tension is a common problem that usually occurs due to age. However, it can also be due to excessive physical activity, tears, or other illnesses.

Sometimes it goes away when you take painkillers and get enough rest. However , muscle overload often requires other types of therapy.

Although it usually happens sporadically, many people suffer from muscle tension repeatedly. This is due to bad habits and wrong attitude.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural relaxing treatments  that have no side effects. In addition, they help soothe muscle pain so that they do not get in the way of everyday activities.

Since many people still do not know what these are, we will share the 7 best treatments for muscle tension, so you can try them.

Write them down!

Treatments for muscle tension

1. Peppermint oil

peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is one of the natural products that can help you relax your muscles if they are tense and stiff.

It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. These reduce pain while promoting better circulation. Overall, this calls for rapid relief of the affected area.

How do you use it?

  • Moisten your palms with a small amount of peppermint oil. Then rub it on the muscles you want to soothe.
  • Be sure to massage them for at least 5 minutes to get good results.

2. Legendelrot

Thanks to soothing and anti-inflammatory effects, you can get benefits from both tea and hemp root oil. This reduces muscle stress.

Drinking it and applying it directly reduces the amount of inflammation. In addition  , it increases circulation, which improves the oxygenation process.

How do you use it?

  • Drink up to two cups (approx. 470 ml) of horseradish root tea per day.
  • Rub some medicinal root oil on the painful area and rest.

This plant can cause drowsiness.

3. Epsom salts


Baths with epsom salts are perfect for relaxing your tired muscles. This is thanks to their high levels of magnesium.

This essential mineral helps prevent pain. In fact, it even encourages the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as fibromyalgia and arthritis.

How do you use it?

  • Add  half a cup of epsom salt to your bath water.  Immerse your body in this water for  twenty minutes.
  • Use this treatment before bed to ensure good rest.


Chamomile is known in the natural medicine world for its digestive and emollient properties. This herb is also a natural solution for relieving pain and muscle tension.

It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. These encourage muscle relaxation. This is especially true when they are tense due to stress.

How do you use it?

  • Drink a cup (approx. 235 ml) of chamomile  twice a day.
  • Apply chamomile oil on your hands. Then massage the areas that hurt.

5. Sunflower oil

sunflower oil

Solblom, or Arnica, has a chemical compound called thymol. Due to the way this compound works, it is perfect for relieving muscle pain.

Applying the oil directly creates a mild warming sensation. This reduces tension and relieves movement problems.

How do you use it?

  • Apply a few drops of sunflower oil or gel on tense muscles and then massage for five minutes.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day if you think it is necessary.

6. Cayenne pepper

The spicy taste can be unbearable for some people. However, cayenne pepper is a good solution for muscle tension.

It has an active substance called capsaicin. This gives this spice anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

How do you use it?

  • Add small amounts of cayenne pepper to smoothies and tea.
  • Grab cayenne pepper and use it to massage your tired muscles.

7. Passion flower

passion flower

Passion flower is a very famous plant in natural medicine. This is not just because it helps control your nerves. It also acts as an anti- inflammatory and makes your muscles relax.

It has phytosterols and flavonoids. These two substances have antioxidant effects that reduce oxidative stress. Its nutrients regulate the activity of the nervous system. They also help control problems such as anxiety and insomnia.

How do you use it?

  • Make a passion flower tea and drink it before bed.
  • Alternatively,  soak an absorbent cloth in the warm tea and use it as a compress on the painful area.

Do you feel pain or discomfort in your muscles? Instead of taking synthetic drugs, try one of these natural treatments. Enjoy their amazing benefits to combat these problems.

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