6 Exceptional Yoga Poses To Lose Weight

In addition to being great for relaxing and toning your muscles, certain yoga poses can be great for helping you lose weight.
6 exceptional yoga poses to lose weight

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. It is not uncommon to have tried all sorts of methods, even extreme diets or cruel exercises. But have you considered yoga postures to lose weight?

Yoga is a sound and very effective alternative. If you are trying to lose weight, yoga can be a great help. In addition, it is both simple and effective.

The best part is that it is easy to do, even if you have not exercised or are very overweight.

Take a look at some yoga poses to lose weight, and start today!

yoga poses to lose weight

Yoga postures to lose weight

1. Treet

The first of our yoga poses for weight loss  will help you tighten and define your abdominal muscles.

To do so, follow these steps:

  • First, stand with your feet together.
  • Then place your left foot on top of your right knee to form an angle.
  • Then place your palms together on your chest and breathe twice.
  • On the third inhalation, lift your arms while holding your hands together.
  • Exhale as you twist your torso to the left.
  • Afterwards, inhale again and stretch.
  • Repeat the process with each foot three to five times,  depending on what you prefer.

Warrior I

6 exceptional yoga poses to lose weight

The next yoga position to lose weight is great for slimming your abdomen and hips.

  • First, stand upright with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
  • Then, inhale and lift your arms up toward the sides of your head.
  • Then you exhale and bend your body forward.
  • Inhale, and as you exhale, move your right leg backwards in a lunge.
  • Your right leg should be outstretched, and your left leg should be bent.
  • So, inhale and lift your arms; exhale and then return to the starting position.

Repeat this position with each foot five times a day.


This position requires a lot of energy and effort. This means that it will help you burn calories and keep your metabolism going throughout the day.

It will also strengthen your back and chest muscles.

  • Begin by lying face down, hands on your sides and palms facing up.
  • Bend your knees and try to grab your ankles with your hands.
  • Be sure to keep the distance between your feet and hips.
  • Hold for about thirty seconds and repeat three times.

4. Bro

yoga poses to lose weight

The fourth yoga position for weight loss will  help massage the thyroid gland. This will encourage the release of hormones that control the metabolism.

  • Begin by lying face down, your legs bent and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lift your hips and hold them parallel to the floor.
  • Place your arms under you and try to braid the fingers of both your hands together.
  • Hold for a moment, lower yourself, and repeat twice.

5. The plow

This yoga position  improves blood flow to the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and adrenal glands.

It will help release more endorphins and hormones that regulate metabolism.

  • First, lie on your back with your legs stretched toward the sky while keeping your arms against your body and palms facing down.
  • Then use your hands to push down and lift your hips.
  • So, take your legs back and try to touch the floor.
  • Then put your hands together as in the bridge.

Curved arm plank

yoga poses to lose weight

Our latest yoga position for weight loss will help  tone your arms, shoulders, abdominal muscles and back.

  • Begin by stretching your  legs.
  • Then, with your arms outstretched while supporting your toes, bend your arms and support yourself with the palms of your hands. Tighten your abdominal muscles .
  • Hold for a few seconds and lower yourself again.
  • Then repeat at least three times.

Take advantage of yoga to lose weight

Practicing yoga or following a routine for a certain amount of time will help your body function better. You will notice that practicing it  gives cells in your body the oxygen they need to function properly.

You will see the positive effects of yoga in other areas as well. You get:

  • Less anxiety
  • An increase in physical energy
  • Better control over your emotions
  • Less frequent cravings for unhealthy foods

Overall, these weight loss yoga poses are not just great for that; they will also increase your metabolism.

Your flexibility and balance will also improve, and you will feel more relaxed and able to handle existing stress better.

Best of all, they are easy exercises to do. They just require your willpower, some comfortable clothes, and a few minutes.

Try them. You will love it!

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